

Lover of chocolate—Lindt chocolate, truffle balls. If I'm being honest, I'm a bit of a chocoholic and embrace all varieties without discrimination.

I have one son with the biggest heart in the world, who also happens to be the biggest pain in the bum—lol!

I can face most things, but the supernatural freaks me out. Take the film Jeepers Creepers for example. It started off brilliantly, with the fear of the unknown keeping me on edge. But then they made the classic mistake of revealing the monster. Once I saw it, I thought, "Meh, I could take him," lol. I much prefer the suspense of a spooky film over seeing the monster.

My midlife crisis wasn’t a flashy car; it was an electric skateboard. This, in turn, sparked my love for video, something I had previously avoided. Photography was my dad’s passion, and I never wanted to follow that path. However, after getting the board, I started using action cams to capture small videos. This interest grew until I had invested quite a bit in video equipment.

It was then my wife suggested, “Why don’t you start a video business?”

And here we are today! I launched Datrysiad Media.

I didn’t want to be just another video person—we have plenty of those. I wanted to solve problems. I’m fascinated by the psychology of communication and how it affects the connection between who we perceive ourselves to be and who our customers think we are.

This puzzle, along with many others, forms the core of our logo. The video is simply the byproduct of ensuring all elements fit where they should. Each puzzle is unique and individualistic, just like our customers and the problems they face.

I wanted to help bridge the gap between you being the expert and your customers knowing you are the expert. We help bridge that gap with communication, and our language is video.