Embrace Growth and Community: Your Business Journey with EVENTS LIKE THE Cardiff Half Marathon

Are you a business owner eager to bolster your business growth and cultivate meaningful connections within your local community? Partnering with local events is a dynamic strategy that can help you achieve both goals simultaneously. In this article, we'll delve into the power of local events and how you can seamlessly integrate your business for maximum impact.

It's no secret that small businesses face challenges. Approximately 60% of small businesses falter within the first three years of operation. Establishing a solid, long-term strategy is vital, and becoming an integral part of your community can be the key to your success.

Today, we're focusing on an exemplary event right in our own backyard: the Cardiff Half Marathon. By aligning your business with local events like this, you not only create opportunities for business growth but also establish a strong presence in your community.


Why Create Video Content for Local Events?

  • Increased Visibility and Exposure: Videos are a powerful medium for grabbing attention. Creating content for local events allows you to showcase your brand to a wider audience, including event attendees, social media followers, and those interested in the event theme.

  • Engagement and Connection: Videos offer a personal touch. They allow you to engage your audience emotionally, tell your story, and establish a strong connection. By creating event-related content, you're tapping into the event's energy and emotions, making your business more relatable.

  • Showcasing Expertise: Videos provide a platform to demonstrate your expertise. Whether you're offering tips, insights, or showcasing your products/services in action, you position your business as a knowledgeable and valuable resource within the event's context.

  • Demonstrating Community Involvement: Participating in local events through video content showcases your business's commitment to the community. It signals that you're not just a business but an active member of the local fabric, reinforcing trust and loyalty.

  • Content Variety and Versatility: Videos offer endless possibilities. You can create event teasers, behind-the-scenes glimpses, interviews, tutorials, testimonials, and much more. This variety keeps your content fresh and engages different segments of your audience.

Let's explore some actionable content ideas that relate to the Cardiff Half Marathon, which not only promote your business but also support the event and the local community.

Event Preparation

Offering valuable advice is a fantastic way to showcase your business's expertise. Create videos providing tips for participants preparing for the half marathon. Share insights on training, nutrition, and what to expect on race day. Seamlessly tie in your products or services that cater to runners' needs, such as sportswear, footwear, energy supplements, or even recovery products.

Participant Interaction

Engaging with participants on a personal level can be a game-changer. Capture interviews with runners before and after the race. Dive into their journeys, preparation, and post-race feelings. This humanises your brand, resonating with those considering participation and showcasing your business as an inspiring force.

Collaborative Videos with Local Gyms or Running Stores

Community collaboration amplifies impact. Partner with local gyms or running stores to co-create engaging content. By showcasing their expertise in marathon preparation, while simultaneously introducing your products aligned with runners' needs, you emphasise the strength of local partnerships and community support.

Behind-the-Scenes Preparations for an Event Booth

If you're planning to set up a booth at the marathon's expo, document the preparation process. Showcase your products or services designed for runners and enthusiasts. This provides a behind-the-scenes glimpse into your dedication to the event and its participants, resonating with your commitment to community engagement.


Community Impact Stories - Supporting Local Charities

Embrace social responsibility by creating a video that highlights your business's contributions to local charities or health-related causes. Showcase how a portion of your sales supports initiatives that align with the Cardiff Half Marathon's values. This demonstrates your commitment to community well-being.


Customer / Business Testimonials - Fitness Journey and Product Usage

Real stories add authenticity. Feature testimonials from customers who have utilised your offerings to prepare for the marathon. Highlight partnerships with other businesses participating in the event. Share the journey, the role your products played, and the positive experiences. These narratives embody your commitment to community support.

Post-Event Recap and Thank You

After the marathon concludes, craft a recap video that not only showcases event highlights but also emphasizes your business's involvement. Express gratitude to participants and the community for their support. This reiterates your connection to the event and its impact on the local community.

Benefits of Partnering with Other Businesses

Incorporating these strategies doesn't just apply to the Cardiff Half Marathon: Remember, these strategies aren't set in stone; they're adaptable to your unique business and the events you're involved in. The magic lies in weaving your brand's story into the event's narrative, while also building genuine connections with your audience and the community. Get creative, stay true to your brand's essence, and watch as your engagement and impact grow.

  • Amplified Reach: When multiple businesses collaborate, they pool their audiences, expanding the reach of their message. Partnering with other businesses for event-related content means reaching not only your audience but also the audiences of your collaborators.

  • Diverse Expertise: Partnering brings together different skill sets and expertise. By collaborating with businesses that complement your offerings, you can provide more comprehensive content that appeals to a wider range of interests.

  • Cost and Resource Sharing: Creating high-quality video content can be resource-intensive. Partnering with other businesses allows you to share costs and resources, making it more cost-effective to produce professional videos.

  • Cross-Promotion and Exposure: When businesses collaborate, they cross-promote each other. This leads to increased exposure within different circles, helping you tap into new markets and gain new customers.

  • Community Unity: Collaboration fosters a sense of community unity. By showcasing the collective effort of businesses working together, you contribute to a positive community atmosphere that extends beyond the event itself.

  • Creative Inspiration: Collaborating with other businesses can spark creativity. You're exposed to new ideas, perspectives, and approaches, leading to innovative content that resonates with your audience.

  • Strength in Numbers: The collective impact of multiple businesses coming together can make a significant impression. It's a way to amplify your presence and showcase the power of local enterprises.

In essence, creating video content for local events and partnering with other businesses is a win-win situation. Your business gains visibility, connection, and credibility, while the local community benefits from a dynamic, supportive business environment that enriches the event experience. It's about contributing to something bigger while reaping rewards for your brand's growth.

Lets give some examples of how other businesses might utilise this information!

Cozy Cafe

Imagine you're running a cozy cafe known for healthy treats. There's a local wellness fair coming up. Create videos dishing out nutritional tips, easy recipes, and meal plans that perfectly suit attendees looking for nourishing bites. Show how your offerings align with their health goals.

DIY Home Decor

Let's say you have a knack for home decor and there's a home and garden show in town. Capture the magic of designing and setting up your booth. Take your audience on a journey as you curate an eye-catching display that resonates with event attendees seeking inspiration for their spaces.

Restaurant Owners

Your restaurant is all about local flavors and community support. There's a food festival on the horizon. Craft videos that highlight your farm-to-table practices and your commitment to donating a portion of your earnings to a local food bank. Share how every bite makes a difference.

Trendy Bookstore

Now, picture this: You're a trendy bookstore right next to a cool coffee shop. There's a book festival around the corner. Join forces to make videos about fantastic reads and the best coffee blends to enjoy while flipping through those pages. It's all about enhancing the book-loving experience.

Learning Languages

You're part of a language school and there's a multicultural fair buzzing with energy. Engage with the crowd and have conversations with attendees. Get them talking about their experiences, languages, and cultures. Showcase the importance of learning new languages in connecting diverse communities.

Beauty Salon

Picture your beauty salon and a local fashion show. Interview clients who've had transformative makeovers. Let them share their stories of newfound confidence. Showcasing these testimonials not only spotlights your expertise but also ties into the event's theme of self-expression.

Engage your Audience Authentically

The key? Delivering real value without making it all about sales. You want your audience to feel like they're on a meaningful journey, with the event as the spotlight and your business there to guide them.

Imagine you're having a heart-to-heart chat with someone over a cup of coffee.

Here's how to go about it!

  • Get into Your Audience's Shoes: Think about the people you're trying to connect with. What's on their minds? What questions might they have? Tailor your content to address their needs and interests.

  • Focus on the Event's Essence: This is your chance to celebrate the event's spirit. Share insights, tips, or stories that revolve around the event's theme. Your business is like the supportive friend who's helping attendees make the most out of it.

  • Share Your Journey: People love stories, especially real ones. Tell the tale of how your business got involved with the event. What drew you in? What challenges did you face? Your journey adds a personal touch and builds trust.

  • Be the Helper, Not the Seller: The spotlight should be on the event, not your business. Be the helpful guide who shares valuable information. Offer advice, share experiences, or provide resources that genuinely benefit your audience.

  • Make it Relatable: Talk like you're having a friendly chat. Use everyday language that your audience can relate to. Avoid jargon or overly formal tones – just be yourself.

  • Connect with People: Highlight the human side of the event. Showcase event participants, share their stories, and create a sense of community. It's like you're introducing friends to each other.

  • Leave Room for Engagement: Encourage your audience to join the conversation. Ask questions, invite them to share their thoughts, or tell their own stories related to the event. It's about creating a space for genuine interaction.

  • Keep Branding Subtle: Sure, you want people to know it's your business, but don't go overboard with branding. A gentle logo or brief mention is enough – you're more about helping than advertising.

  • Be True to Your Values: Stay aligned with what your business stands for. Authenticity is the name of the game here. Your values shine through when you're true to yourself.

Remember, it's like you're inviting someone to explore the event alongside you. Your content should be a friendly hand guiding them, offering insights and support. By focusing on providing value and enhancing the event experience, you'll naturally build a positive image for your business while connecting authentically with your audience. So go ahead, create content that makes everyone feel like they're part of something special.

additional video content IDEAS that you can use for the next local event

  • Event Coverage and Highlights: Create recap videos of the events, capturing the excitement and key moments. Showcase attendees, performances, and any special guests. This can be an opportunity for businesses to document their participation, sponsorship, or involvement in the event.

  • Expert Interviews: Interview event organizers, speakers, or performers. Discuss their expertise and how it aligns with the mission or offerings of your business. This can position your business as a thought leader in your industry.

  • Product or Service Showcases: If your business has products or services that relate to the event theme, create videos showcasing how they can benefit attendees. Provide demonstrations, explanations, and highlight the unique selling points.

  • "Day in the Life" Videos: Create videos that follow your team members as they prepare for and participate in the event. Showcasing the people behind the business can build a personal connection with your audience.

  • Event Countdown and Teasers: Build excitement by creating countdown videos leading up to the event. Tease what attendees can expect and encourage them to visit your booth or engage with your business.

  • Contest or Giveaway Announcements: Hold a contest or giveaway related to the event. Create videos to announce the contest, explain the rules, and showcase the prizes. This can drive engagement and increase your business's visibility.


So there you have it, a comprehensive guide to leveraging local events for business growth and community integration. By embracing these steps, you'll not only help elevate your business but also contribute to the vibrancy of your local community.

If you found this article useful, be sure to like it. If you have your own insights to share, drop a comment below.

Until next time, let's build our businesses while fostering community connections. Cheers!


My name is Byron Phillips and I run Datrysiad Media.

Datrysiad Media is a video production company based in Cardiff. We help businesses with their pain problems and communicate their stories.

We are a full-service video production that can handle every aspect of the video production process. Creating high-quality video content that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations.