Navigating the Crossroads: Why Consistency Matters in Content Journey

Creating successful content can be an exhilarating journey, but for many, it often comes with moments of doubt and frustration. One client of mine recently shared his experience of feeling stuck at a crossroads with his YouTube channel. Despite knowing that his content had real potential, he felt overwhelmed by the effort required to make it truly great.

The challenge? He had reached a point where additional investment and learning were necessary to push the channel to the next level. But like many business owners, he feared that trying to do it all alone would lead to burnout. It’s easy to think that taking on more responsibility—learning new techniques, upgrading equipment, or investing more time—will be a short-lived endeavour, especially when you're juggling the day-to-day demands of running a business.


That's when he decided to seek professional help, recognising that working with someone who understands the ins and outs of content strategy could be the key to unlocking growth. It was this decision that brought him to me, where we began to focus on two key aspects of YouTube success: consistency and small, impactful changes.

The Power of Consistency

Consistency is often overlooked in the rush to create new and exciting content. However, maintaining a regular posting schedule, engaging with the audience, and staying true to the brand’s voice can have a significant impact on a channel's growth.

In this case, my client and I honed in on the power of showing up regularly. No need for grand gestures or dramatic shifts—just the reliable rhythm of consistent uploads.

Consistency builds trust with your audience. When viewers know what to expect and when to expect it, they are more likely to return and engage with your content. Over time, this builds a loyal following that becomes the foundation of the channel’s success.

Small Changes, Big Results

Often, business owners believe that growth requires massive overhauls. But in reality, small, strategic adjustments can have a profound effect. For my client, we implemented changes such as refining the content format, improving video descriptions, and focusing on more engaging thumbnails. These seemingly minor tweaks began to pay off almost immediately.

By identifying small wins—whether it’s improving viewer retention or increasing watch time—we were able to maintain momentum without overwhelming my client with a heavy learning curve.

Why Seeking Help is a Strength, Not a Weakness

One of the biggest insights my client had during this process was recognising the value of asking for help. It can be tempting to feel that you need to take on every role—content creator, editor, marketer, strategist—on your own.

But just as in any business, the most successful ventures are those that involve collaboration and professional support. By choosing to work with someone who could offer a fresh perspective and a structured plan, my client found renewed energy and clarity. His YouTube channel, once at a standstill, was now moving forward with purpose.

The Takeaway

Creating successful content takes more than just passion—it requires strategy, consistency, and sometimes, the humility to ask for help. For those who are at a crossroads, unsure of whether to push forward or step back, remember that growth doesn’t have to happen all at once. Small, intentional changes can make all the difference, and finding the right support can take your channel from good to great.

If you’ve been feeling the weight of your YouTube journey, take heart. You don’t have to go it alone, and with the right approach, your channel’s potential can be realised, step by step.


My name is Byron Phillips and I run Datrysiad Media.

Datrysiad Media is a video production company based in Cardiff. We help businesses with their pain problems and communicate their stories.

We are a full-service video production that can handle every aspect of the video production process. Creating high-quality video content that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations.

Overcoming the Fear of Content Creation: A Real Talk

I’ve got to be honest—whether or not the story’s any good, TV shows today are looking absolutely stunning. I’ve just started watching the second season of Lord of the Rings, and the imagery is simply phenomenal. It’s honestly ridiculous how far we’ve come in terms of production quality. But as much as I’d love to keep chatting about that, there’s something else on my mind tonight, and it’s not about Lord of the Rings.

Recently, I’ve been hosting a drop-in session on LinkedIn every Wednesday between 6:00 and 8:00 PM. It’s a place where businesses can hop on Zoom, ask questions about video content strategy, and then go on their merry way armed with the information they need. These sessions are slowly gaining traction, and the last one was particularly good. We had a few people join, and the conversation took an interesting turn towards something that affects all of us—fear.


The Paralysis of Perfectionism

Fear can manifest itself in many ways, but the kind we discussed wasn’t about getting started; it was about getting it wrong. One gentleman had put off creating content about his business for quite some time. His fear wasn’t so much about the act of creating content—whether that’s a LinkedIn post or a video—but more about the possibility that the information he put out there might be wrong. And then, of course, he was worried about the negative feedback he might receive as a result.

This fear of being wrong, of receiving negative comments, had been crippling for him. It had stopped him from creating content altogether. And I can relate to that. But here’s the thing: when it comes to fear and the information you’re using in your content, you’re only as good as the knowledge you have at that particular point in time.

Embrace the Journey, Not the Destination

You can research as much as possible, but ultimately, you can only lean on what you know right now. Just like in science, your knowledge will evolve over time. What you know in five years’ time will be vastly different from what you know today. So, don’t get too hung up on whether you’re right or wrong at this moment. You’re doing the best you can with the information you have.

Of course, it’s natural to worry about getting things wrong—I do too. But here’s the outlook I’ve adopted: I know I’m going to be wrong at some point. I know that as I continue on this journey, I’ll make mistakes. There will be times when I look back at something I created and think, “What on earth was I thinking?” But because I’m not married to the idea of always being right, I can accept that I’ll learn and grow from those mistakes.

You are who you are at this point in time, and you can’t be anyone else. If you’re wrong, you’re wrong. But because you’re not hung up on always being right, you can approach this journey with a bit more objectivity. It’s okay to be wrong—it’s how you learn quicker and serve your clients better. I’d rather be wrong on my own time and learn from it than make mistakes on a client’s time.


Don’t Let Fear Stop You

If you’ve been thinking about creating content but have been held back by the fear of getting it wrong, I need to tell you something. No matter how good your content is—no matter if it’s 100% spot-on—there will always be someone who disagrees with you. And that’s fine. It’s personal opinion, and you have to learn to deal with it. The only way to do that is by growing a thick skin, and there’s no way to do that other than exposing yourself to criticism.

Criticism is often cutting, and yes, it’s going to hurt. You’re going to feel like crap sometimes, but if you don’t get over it now, you never will. So, you might as well start creating content, develop that thick skin, and do something about it for your business. It’s a fantastic way to communicate, but it’s not without its risks. There will always be idiots online who’ll try to tear you down. I guarantee you that someone out there won’t agree with this very blog post. But here’s the thing: I genuinely don’t care. What I do care about is that I need milk for my coffee.


Taking the Plunge

I was genuinely fearful about doing the drop-in session live. There’s no hiding when it’s live. When I create a video or write a post, I can spend time making sure the information is spot-on.

But live content? There’s no script, no editing—it’s raw.

And that’s nerve-wracking. But I’m working on becoming more efficient at creating content, and I know that if I don’t make the investment now, I’ll only regret it later.

If you sit on your hands and do nothing, in six months’ time, you’ll be gutted that you didn’t start sooner. Don’t let that be you. Don’t overthink it. Yes, you’re going to get criticism. It’s going to be tough, but on the flip side, it’s a brilliant way to showcase your business and who you are as a person.

Here’s the reality: if everyone has this fear and not many businesses are doing it, just by putting yourself out there and creating content, you’re already ahead of the game. It’s all about attention. The more you can get your face in front of people, talking about your business and bringing your personality into it, the further ahead you’ll be.

So, be kind to yourself, get off your arse, and get it done.


My name is Byron Phillips and I run Datrysiad Media.

Datrysiad Media is a video production company based in Cardiff. We help businesses with their pain problems and communicate their stories.

We are a full-service video production that can handle every aspect of the video production process. Creating high-quality video content that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations.

Business synergy through the Lens: Filmmaking Principles for Strategic Success

Businesses can benefit if they make efforts to engage their audience effectively to stand out. One creative approach to achieve this is to apply the principles of video production to business strategy. There is far more synergy between the concepts of video and those that exist in business. Just like a well-crafted film captivates its audience, a thoughtfully developed business can resonate with its target market. Let’s explore how concepts such as story, lighting, audio, composition, lens choice, and movement can be translated into the business realm to create a powerful impact.


1. Story: Crafting Your Business Narrative

Every memorable film begins with a compelling story. The plot draws viewers in, keeps them engaged, and leaves a lasting impression. Similarly, your business needs a strong narrative to connect with your audience. Consider who your story is for: who is your target demographic, and what are their interests and pain points? A great story is not just technically well-written; it must resonate with the right audience.

Example: Consider a local café that wants to stand out in a neighbourhood filled with coffee shops. Instead of simply promoting their coffee quality, they craft a story about being the heart of the community—a place where locals meet, work, and relax. They share stories of local artists showcasing their work on the café’s walls, or how they source their ingredients from nearby farmers. This narrative not only differentiates them from competitors but also builds an emotional connection with their customers, making the café a part of their daily life.

In business, this means knowing your customers and shaping your message to speak directly to them. Are you addressing their needs? Are you engaging them with a narrative that they find meaningful? Just as a film can start strong but lose its way, a business needs to maintain focus and clarity to keep its audience engaged from start to finish.

My Approach:
In my business, my story is irrelevant. While I can draw comparisons and empathise with the struggles businesses face because I face these too, my story doesn’t matter. While focusing on a niche is great, each person who owns a business within the niche has their own story. My job is to come to you with open ears, allowing you to communicate your story to me so I can help guide you on how to tell your story to others.

Remember, your story is the backstory. It is the start and the foundation, but it is not a solution to your problems. However, knowing the story, the history, and the heart of your beginning should be the starting point for great communication.


2. Lighting: Showcasing Your Business in the Best Light

In filmmaking, lighting is crucial to capturing the right mood and tone. It highlights the subject and sets the visual atmosphere. In business, you want to present your company in the best possible light. This means ensuring your brand image is consistent and appealing to your target audience.


Consider how your business appears to first-time customers. Is your branding polished and professional, or does it leave an unflattering impression?

Just like lighting should match the story, your brand’s presentation should align with your message and values.

Evaluate how your business is perceived and make adjustments to ensure that you’re shining brightly in your market.

My Approach:
The way I like to present myself to the world is by showing that I am accessible. There is no pretense or status that I know more about video than you. I consider myself very relaxed, empathetic, humble, and pragmatic. I love to learn, listen, and strategise. I present myself to the world with these qualities in mind, hoping that my audience receives me in the same way.

My aim is simple: to help businesses utilise video to get closer to their goals. I do not show my videos in a flashy office or a stunning location. My aim is to show businesses that this can be done at home, and I do this by leading by example.


3. Audio: Tuning into the Right Message

Audio in film ensures that the story is communicated clearly and effectively. Bad sound quality can quickly turn an audience off, even if the visuals are stunning. The same goes for your business message. Is your communication clear, or is it lost in a sea of noise?

Example: A tech startup launching a new app might have groundbreaking features, but if the explanation is filled with technical jargon and complex diagrams, it could lose potential customers. Instead, they should focus on clear, simple language, perhaps through engaging video tutorials that demonstrate the app’s benefits in everyday terms. This ensures that even non-tech-savvy users understand and appreciate the product, enhancing adoption and word-of-mouth promotion.

Make sure that what you’re saying is what your audience wants to hear. This requires understanding your customers’ needs and crafting messages that are relevant and valuable to them. Avoid jargon and convoluted language that can confuse or alienate your audience. Instead, focus on delivering clear, concise, and compelling messages that resonate and build trust with your customers.

My Approach:
How I present myself to the public demonstrates my ability to listen, to be methodical, and to speak at an even pace. I want to demonstrate to businesses that I take the time to understand the subject matter, to offer value, and to show that I have insight that extends far beyond simply holding a camera.

This is why when I create a video, they are direct-to-camera and normally at my home. They are not fast-paced but allow you to digest information easily. This does not mean your video has to be this way; your style is determined by multiple factors. Mine is simple: to demonstrate my ability to communicate value.


4. Composition: Framing Your Business for Success

Composition in film is all about how elements are arranged within the frame to create a pleasing and coherent image. In business, this translates to how you structure your offerings and customer experiences. Are you positioning your business effectively in the market?


Consider the customer journey: what is their experience before, during, and after interacting with your business?

Are you aligning your products and services with your customers’ expectations and desires?

By carefully composing your business offerings and interactions, you create a harmonious experience that attracts and retains customers.

My Approach:
I want to frame my business so the customer doesn’t think of me as just the video guy. I want the customer to feel that I am more of a business consultant who understands their issues and how to communicate this. The output is video, but everything before this is consultancy. I spend time talking about the customer, the problems they face, why now, and why not next year. All these intricacies form a puzzle, and these puzzle pieces form a picture. I want clarity for my customers.

My website is not framed around the gear; it is set up for discussion and to talk about the business issues you are facing.


5. Lens Choice: Focusing on the Right Audience

Filmmakers use different lenses to capture scenes in various ways, either focusing on a broad landscape or honing in on specific details. In business, lens choice is akin to market focus. Are you casting a wide net, or are you zeroing in on a specific niche?

Example: A fitness brand might choose to target a specific audience, such as new mums looking to regain fitness postpartum. By focusing their marketing efforts and product offerings on this niche—through specialised workout programmes and supportive community forums—they build a loyal customer base that feels understood and valued. This targeted approach often results in stronger brand loyalty and more effective word-of-mouth marketing.

Understanding whether your business should target the masses or a specific audience is crucial. A wide-angle approach might reach more people, but it risks diluting your message. Conversely, a focused approach allows for a tailored message that resonates deeply with a select audience. Choose your lens wisely to ensure you’re reaching the right people with the right message.

My Approach:
I have slowly learned that while businesses operate in a niche or target market, what they offer is just the icing on the cake. Underneath the icing are the same challenges that all businesses face: client acquisition, hiring staff, training staff, and trying to increase revenue. All businesses face the same issues once we get past the niche of the business.

This is why we don’t target a specific niche, as we understand that the top layer always leads to the deeper problems that businesses have. We focus on the problem, first taking a holistic approach—a wide-angle, so to speak—and then, through investigation, we focus deeper on the areas of concern.


6. Movement: Navigating Your Industry’s Landscape

Movement in film is used to convey action, emotion, and pace. It’s a tool that can create tension, excitement, or calmness, depending on how it’s used. Similarly, how your business moves within its industry can speak volumes about its character and strategy.


Are you moving too fast for your audience to keep up, or are you progressing at a pace that feels comfortable and engaging?

Assess how your business reacts to changes in the market and how it communicates its evolution to customers.

Movement should be intentional and reflective of your business’s goals and values, ensuring that your audience stays connected and involved.

My Approach:
Our movement is relaxed, intentional, and direct. We know that with investment comes risk, and businesses are doing everything they can to be risk-averse and provide stability. The way we move within the industry is by providing confidence and assurance that we can help businesses get steps closer to their goals. This means we are not erratic; we have procedures in place and an onboarding process that inspires confidence. We spend a lot of time looking at the business model to ensure we appear to be a great investment.



By applying filmmaking principles to your business strategy, you can create a more engaging and resonant experience for your audience. Just like a great film captivates and leaves a lasting impression, a well-executed business strategy can build strong connections and drive success. So, next time you plan your business approach, think like a filmmaker and let your creativity shine.

This article explores the parallels between video production and business strategy, helping to frame business concepts in a way that is both creative and strategic. Let me know if there are any additional adjustments or sections you would like to include!


My name is Byron Phillips and I run Datrysiad Media.

Datrysiad Media is a video production company based in Cardiff. We help businesses with their pain problems and communicate their stories.

We are a full-service video production that can handle every aspect of the video production process. Creating high-quality video content that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations.

The Power of Behind-the-Scenes Videos in Showcasing Your Business


Authenticity and transparency are key pillars of successful business practices. Consumers crave genuine connections with brands, and one effective way to foster these connections is through behind-the-scenes (BTS) videos. These videos provide audiences with an insider's look into your business, offering glimpses of the people, processes, and personalities behind the brand. We'll explore the collaborative journey between Jo Davies Photography and Datrysiad Media in creating a behind-the-scenes video showcasing Jo's work for corporate clients.


When individuals are getting head shots or profile photos taken for their business, they might have various fears or concerns, including:

  • Appearance: Many people worry about how they'll look in the photo. They might be concerned about imperfections, like blemishes, wrinkles, or weight. They might also worry about looking too serious, too casual, or not professional enough.

  • Photogenic concerns: Some people fear that they're not naturally photogenic and that the photos won't capture their best angles or expressions.

  • Nervousness in front of the camera: Being in front of a camera can make some people feel self-conscious or awkward, leading to concerns about looking stiff or uncomfortable in the photos.

  • Authenticity: There's often a fear of not appearing authentic or genuine in the photos, especially if they're being used for professional purposes. People want their photos to reflect who they truly are and what their business represents.

  • Perception by others: Individuals might worry about how they'll be perceived by clients, colleagues, or the public based on their photos. They may fear judgment or criticism.

  • Consistency with brand image: For business purposes, there's often a concern about whether the photos align with the brand's image and messaging. They want the photos to convey the right tone and professionalism.

  • Use of the photos: People might worry about where the photos will be used and how they'll be presented. They may have concerns about privacy or the potential for the photos to be misused.

  • Cost: In some cases, individuals may be concerned about the cost of professional photography services, especially if they're on a tight budget.

THE PROMISE: We knew Jo Davies would be able to answer all of these problems for clients


Jo learned the art of photography during an era of manual cameras and darkrooms, and she is grateful that, despite all the advancements, the fundamentals of how cameras and lenses work have remained constant. Her passion for photography as seamlessly transitioned into the digital age, and as someone with a deep interest in computers, She has embraced the shift from manual process to computer-based techniques.

Finding a new dimension of creativity in the process. Jo is Experienced Business Owner with a demonstrated history of working in the photography industry. Experienced Commercial Photographer looking to work with and support businesses across South & West Wales and the South West of England to provide beautiful imagery for their online and print presence.

The Collaborative Process: Together, we shared a common goal

Datrysiad Media approached Jo Davies Photography with the proposal to create a BTS video highlighting Jo's expertise in corporate photography.

Together, we shared a common goal:

  • To educate businesses owners about overcoming photography fears AND

  • The importance of BTS content in showcasing their operations and building stronger connections with their audience.

Through open discussions and brainstorming sessions, we outlined the objectives of the video and identified the best approach to effectively showcase Jo's process with a client.

Jo selected Sian Faire as the client for the BTS video, as Jo had a strong rapport with her and could effectively demonstrate her ability to put clients at ease during photo shoots. Throughout the process, we paid close attention to Jo's branding, ensuring that the editing assets aligned with her brand identity for a cohesive look.

Who is Sian?

Sian is an experienced Virtual Business Manager (VBM) who specialises in assisting businesses remotely. With a background in engineering and extensive experience in strategic business planning, Sian offers valuable expertise in managing operations, optimising workflows, and implementing effective strategies for clients. Her unique blend of skills enables her to navigate the complexities of remote work while providing tailored solutions to meet the needs of diverse businesses. As a dedicated professional, Sian thrives on helping entrepreneurs succeed in the virtual business landscape by leveraging her knowledge and insights to drive growth and efficiency

The Photo Shoot

During the photo shoot, Jo Davies Photography exemplified professionalism, expertise, and a remarkable ability to create a relaxed atmosphere for Sian, effectively addressing common fears associated with having one's photo taken.

Sian's initial apprehensions were swiftly alleviated by Jo's reassuring demeanor and expert guidance. With a keen eye for angles and lighting, Jo skillfully captured Sian's best features, ensuring she felt confident and empowered throughout the session.

Throughout the shoot, Jo's attention to detail and commitment to capturing authentic moments ensured that Sian's concerns about appearing forced or artificial were unfounded. By creating a supportive and collaborative environment, Jo enabled Sian to relax, allowing her true essence to shine through in every shot

The behind-the-scenes shoot took place in the picturesque town of Abergavenny, Wales, Jo skilfully utilised the soft, diffused light provided by the cloudy sky, enhancing the beauty of the surroundings and adding a touch of magic to the final images. As they strolled through the charming streets, Jo's guidance helped Sian navigate the attention of onlookers with grace and confidence, turning what could have been a source of anxiety into a delightful and empowering experience.


While Jo Davies Photography worked her magic with Sian, Datrysiad Media was on hand to capture all the behind-the-scenes moments. Our expert filming not only documented the entire process but also showcased Jo's:

  • Professionalism

  • Expertise

  • Ability to create a comfortable environment for her clients.

The BTS footage captured the genuine connection between Jo and Sian, highlighting Jo's reassuring demeanour and knack for putting her clients at ease. Through the BTS lens, viewers can witness firsthand how Jo's guidance and expertise transformed Sian's initial apprehensions into confidence and empowerment.

This collaboration between Jo Davies Photography and Datrysiad Media not only provided Sian with stunning photographs but also enabled Jo to showcase her unique approach and dedication to her craft to future clients. The collaboration between Jo and Datrysiad Media created a comprehensive and compelling narrative that not only celebrated Sian's journey but also highlighted Jo's ability to turn fears into triumphs.

The Editing Process

Following the photo shoot, Datrysiad Media and Jo Davies Photography collaborated on the editing process using the web platform This platform facilitated seamless communication and feedback, allowing us to refine the edit multiple times to ensure it met Jo's vision and brand standards.

Additionally, we had the privilege of capturing video footage from both the BTS of Sian Faire's photo shoot and the Zokits in-person meeting event.

Originally, we intended to create a single video encompassing both events. However, upon review, we realised that the two events had distinct themes and audiences.

Consequently, we made the decision to split the video into two separate pieces. One video is tailored to clients seeking corporate headshots, showcasing Jo's expertise and process with Sian Faire. The second video focuses on corporate events, highlighting the energy and professionalism Jo brings to such occasions.

This approach allows Jo to have two distinct videos, each targeting different client needs effectively.

The Final BTS Video

The result of our collaboration was a compelling behind-the-scenes video that showcased Jo Davies Photography's professionalism, expertise, and commitment to her clients. By offering viewers an insider's look into Jo's process, the video provided valuable insights into the benefits of working with Jo for corporate photography needs.

Tips to improve your own BTS video’s

1. Plan Ahead: Before shooting your BTS video, take the time to plan and prepare thoroughly. Identify the key aspects of your business operations that you want to showcase and outline a storyboard or shot list to guide the filming process. Consider factors such as location, timing, and equipment needs to ensure a smooth production.

2. Be Authentic: Authenticity is paramount in BTS videos. Avoid the temptation to create overly polished or staged content that may come across as insincere to your audience. Instead, focus on capturing genuine moments that reflect the true essence of your business and its people. Embrace imperfections and let your authenticity shine through.

3. Showcase Personality: Injecting personality and humour into your BTS videos can help humanise your brand and make it more relatable to viewers. Don't be afraid to let your team's personalities shine through and showcase the unique quirks and characteristics that make your business special. Whether it's through witty banter, inside jokes, or light-hearted interactions, let your personality shine through to connect with your audience on a deeper level.

4. Highlight Team Members: Your team members are the backbone of your business, so be sure to feature them prominently in your BTS videos. Showcase their talent, dedication, and passion for what they do, highlighting the roles they play in driving your business forward. Introduce viewers to the faces behind the brand and give credit where it's due, fostering a sense of pride and camaraderie among your team members.

5. Engage with Viewers: BTS videos offer a unique opportunity to engage with your audience on a more personal level. Encourage viewers to actively participate by inviting feedback, questions, and comments throughout the video. Foster a sense of community by responding to comments, addressing concerns, and acknowledging viewer contributions. By engaging with your audience in meaningful ways, you can build trust, loyalty, and long-lasting relationships that extend beyond the screen.


Behind-the-scenes videos are powerful tools for businesses looking to foster transparency, engage audiences, and build stronger connections with their customers. The collaborative journey between Jo Davies Photography and Datrysiad Media in creating a BTS video exemplifies the importance of authenticity, storytelling, and collaboration in business content creation. We encourage businesses to explore the possibilities of BTS videos for their own brand storytelling and to consider collaborating with professionals like Jo Davies Photography to bring their vision to life.


My name is Byron Phillips and I run Datrysiad Media.

Datrysiad Media is a video production company based in Cardiff. We help businesses with their pain problems and communicate their stories.

We are a full-service video production that can handle every aspect of the video production process. Creating high-quality video content that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations.

The Business Backup Guide for Small Businesses

“Two is One, One is None”

Safeguarding your valuable footage is paramount. The adage "Two is one, one is none" underscores the importance of redundancy in data backup.

In this blog, we will delve into a comprehensive backup process designed for video production, ensuring your client projects are secure at every stage.

By the end, you'll have a clear understanding of how to implement a robust backup strategy that offers peace of mind and professionalism.

REMEMBER: Whilst we use the media production standpoint, any business looking to backup their data and use these principles and understanding to improve their data safeguarding.



The Lifecycle of a Client Shoot: Creating Immediate Backups

When embarking on a client project, the first step is to ensure redundancy during the shoot itself. My primary camera, the Panasonic GH5, is equipped with dual slot recording. This feature allows me to create an instant backup on the fly, fulfilling the "Two is one" principle.

While many consumer devices, such as mobile phones or drones, lack this capability, I recommend backing up the data immediately after the shoot.

This can be done using a laptop, an external SSD drive, or a specialised device that enables SD to SSD backup without needing a laptop or mobile phone. This practice ensures that even if the original device fails, you have a secondary copy ready.

Addressing "One is None"

Backing Up the Backup

Having one backup is not enough. Should anything go wrong with that single backup, you're left vulnerable. To avoid this, we need to back up the backup. At home, I use two types of external drives: a working external drive and a backup external drive.

  1. Copying to the Working External Drive: The SD cards are first copied to the working external drive. This drive is actively used for editing the client's work. However, as this drive is subject to changes, it cannot be considered a true backup.

  2. Copying to the Backup External Drive: Independently, the SD cards are also copied to the backup external drive. This process ensures that any issues during the initial copying process do not propagate to the backup. By copying directly from the SD cards to both drives, we mitigate the risk of errors.

At this stage, we have the following backups:

  • SD card of the client shoot

  • SD backup of the client shoot

  • External working drive backup of the client shoot

  • External backup of the client shoot

Mitigating Onsite Risks: Online and Offline Backup Solutions

All the above backups are stored onsite, making them vulnerable to physical damage from fire or burglary. To counter this, we employ an online backup service. This service continuously uploads the data from our backup drives, ensuring we have an external copy. Note that this can be time-consuming, depending on your internet upload speed and the volume of data.

Should we need to retrieve this data, we can either download it or request an external hard drive from the provider, allowing for swift restoration.

The next step in our offline backup strategy involves purchasing another external hard drive with sufficient capacity to store all existing backups. This drive is then stored offsite in a secure, accessible location. Although we have yet to implement this step, it is an important consideration for comprehensive data security.

Recap: A Robust Backup Strategy

To summarise, our backup process includes:

SD card of the client shoot

SD backup of the client shoot

External working drive backup of the client shoot

External backup of the client shoot

External online backup of the client shoot

External offline location backup of the client shoot

For a solo media production owner, this method keeps the backup process straightforward, scalable, and reasonably affordable. Regardless of your industry, adopting a similar approach can safeguard your data and ensure the safety of the information you hold.

Peace of Mind Through Redundancy

Implementing a robust backup strategy is not just a necessity for media production but for any business that values its data. By following the principles outlined in this guide, you can ensure that your valuable footage and client projects are protected against any unforeseen events. Remember, in the world of data backup, redundancy is key. Adopt the "Two is one, one is none" philosophy and secure your business against data loss.


My name is Byron Phillips and I run Datrysiad Media.

Datrysiad Media is a video production company based in Cardiff. We help businesses with their pain problems and communicate their stories.

We are a full-service video production that can handle every aspect of the video production process. Creating high-quality video content that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations.

Changing the Rental Housing Sector

Welcome to the Datrysiad Media Podcast, I sit down with Al Davis, founder of Seren Glas Properties, in this podcast where he shares insights into his business, experiences, and the challenges they've encountered. Al believes in the fundamental right of every individual to reside in safe, well-equipped, and secure accommodation, which they can truly call home.

At Seren Glas, this belief drives their mission to prioritize high quality and standards in every property they provide. Al discusses how they strive to offer houses that embody the Seren Glas promise, empowering clients to cultivate a quality home life. Throughout our conversation, Al reflects on his journey, from his background as a graphic designer to his transition into property refurbishment. He candidly shares the motivation behind starting Seren Glas and the values that underpin their approach to business.

Join us as we delve into Al's experiences navigating the rental sector, the importance of ethical investment partnerships, and the ongoing commitment to improving tenants' quality of life.

Through our discussion, listeners gain valuable insights into the ethos of Seren Glas Properties and the dedication to creating homes where people feel safe and can thrive.


Why We Are Changing The Rental Sector

Al believes in the fundamental right of every individual to live in secure, well-maintained accommodation, and he's committed to upholding this principle in his company's ethos. At Seren Glas, they prioritize providing high-quality homes that meet their exacting standards, ensuring their clients have the opportunity to create a fulfilling home life.

Throughout our conversation, Al shares insights gleaned from his transition from a graphic designer to a property entrepreneur, detailing the pivotal moments that shaped his journey.

He discusses the initial skepticism he faced, his transformative realisation during a property course, and the subsequent actions he took to realise his vision.

We delve into the challenges Al has faced, from navigating the property market to managing refurbishments and tenant relations. Despite these hurdles, Al remains steadfast in his commitment to providing top-notch housing solutions and improving people's quality of life through his work at Seren Glas Properties.

The WHY is More Important Than The Passion

Al believes in the fundamental right of every individual to reside in safe, well-equipped, and secure accommodation, which forms the cornerstone of Seren Glas's ethos. With a commitment to high-quality standards, Seren Glas aims to provide clients with the foundation to create a fulfilling home life.

Throughout our conversation, Al shares candidly about his journey in the property business, including overcoming initial fears and navigating the balance between passion and purpose. He emphasises the importance of perseverance and maintaining focus, especially during challenging times.

Shocking Landlords

Al shares insights into his commitment to providing safe and high-quality accommodation for every client, guided by the belief that everyone deserves a secure and comfortable home. At Seren Glas, they prioritize their promise of maintaining exceptional standards in every property they offer, ensuring that tenants have the opportunity to create a fulfilling home life.

Al reflects on the challenges they've faced along the way, including navigating the reputation issues associated with some landlords in the industry. Despite these obstacles, Al remains dedicated to his vision of ethical property investment, supported by mentorship and a reliable team of professionals. Join us as we explore Al's journey in Seren Glas and the principles that drive their approach to property management and tenant care.

Making A House Feel Like a Home

Al believes in providing safe, well-equipped, and secure accommodation for every individual, allowing them to create a quality home life. At Seren Glas, they prioritize high standards, ensuring their clients have the potential to make their houses feel like home.

Al shares insights into the principles driving Seren Glas, highlighting their commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.

Throughout our conversation, we explore Al's journey in the property management industry, from the inception of his business to the lessons learned along the way. Challenges faced by Seren Glas are also discussed, offering a candid look at the realities of running a property management company.

Having a Fantastic support team

Al's dedication to providing safe, high-quality accommodation shines through as he shares the core values of Seren Glas. Throughout our conversation, he emphasises the importance of creating homes where clients can truly thrive, underlining the commitment to excellence that drives his work.

Al's insights into the housing industry offer a unique perspective, rooted in a genuine desire to make a positive impact. We explore the practicalities of maintaining standards while navigating the complexities of property management. His stories highlight both the rewards and the hurdles encountered along the way, painting a realistic picture of entrepreneurship in this field.

Challenges with Rental Problems

Al emphasises the importance of providing safe and high-quality accommodation for every client, ensuring they can create a comfortable home environment.

Throughout our conversation, he shares insights into the challenges faced in property renovation projects, from unexpected issues during renovations to sensitive communication with property owners, especially in delicate situations like probate cases. At Seren Glas, Al and his team prioritise ethical business practices alongside profitability, striving to strike a balance where both landlords and tenants benefit.

Al discusses the significance of tenant satisfaction, achieved through meticulous property management and collaboration with trusted agencies. Despite the obstacles encountered, Al finds fulfillment in successfully transforming properties, improving living conditions for tenants while maintaining high standards.

Understanding Problems and Community-building

At Seren Glas, Al prioritises the belief that every individual deserves safe, well-equipped accommodation they can truly call home. This commitment is evident in the high quality and standards upheld in every property they provide.

With a focus on creating a conducive environment for a quality home life, Seren Glas ensures their clients have the best possible foundation to build upon.

Throughout our conversation, Al shares his experiences navigating the property investment landscape and the importance of understanding clients' needs beyond just technical aspects.

He highlights the significance of community-building in their investment approach, fostering relationships with neighbours and contributing to the growth of local communities.

Ethical Investments and Short Term Lettings

Al shares his insights into the ethos behind Seren Glas: the belief in providing safe, well-equipped, and secure accommodation for every individual. He emphasizes the company's commitment to high quality and standards, ensuring that their properties offer a foundation for a quality home life.

Al delves into his own experiences, discussing the challenges faced in the rental sector and the motivation behind their mission to change its reputation. Through ethical investment and community engagement, Seren Glas aims to make a positive impact while delivering returns for investors.

Angel Investors

Al believes in the fundamental right of every individual to reside in safe and well-maintained accommodation. At Seren Glas, this principle is paramount, with a commitment to providing high-quality homes that nurture a positive home life for clients.

Al shares insights into the challenges his company has encountered along the way. From navigating the intricacies of property investment to ensuring consistent standards across their housing portfolio, Seren Glas has faced its share of obstacles.

Despite these challenges, Al remains dedicated to upholding their promise of excellence in every aspect of their business. Throughout our conversation, Al discusses the importance of establishing trust and compatibility with investors and clients alike. He emphasises the human aspect of their work, highlighting the dual aim of financial returns and societal impact.

You can reposition yourself

Al's belief in providing safe and secure accommodation for all drives Seren Glas's mission. Throughout our conversation, we touch upon the importance of aligning services with personal values and comfort levels, rather than adhering to industry norms.

We delve into Al's journey within the property investment landscape, where he seeks to set a better example and challenge negative perceptions.

Our discussion extends to the significance of personal accountability and the courage to confront mistakes, drawing from Al's upbringing and core principles.

Toilets and HAMMERS Don't MIX

Al believes passionately in the right of every person to safe, well-equipped accommodation, which forms the cornerstone of Seren Glas' mission.

Their commitment to high-quality standards ensures every client has the opportunity to create a fulfilling home life. At Seren Glas, transparency is key. Al discusses the importance of showcasing both the successes and the struggles of property renovation, offering viewers a realistic insight into their process.

I share a time when doing DIY resulted in less than stellar application, and why you should never take a hammer to a toilet.

Through our conversation, Al shares anecdotes that highlight the dedication and perseverance required in the industry. He emphasises the value of honesty and integrity in building long-lasting client relationships.

People are Desperate for Houses

Al passionately believes in the right of every individual to live in safe, secure accommodation, and this ethos forms the core of Seren Glas's mission. Throughout our conversation, Al shares insights into the company's commitment to high-quality standards and its focus on providing clients with a nurturing home environment.

At Seren Glas, they take pride in their promise of maintaining impeccable standards across all their properties, ensuring that each client has the opportunity to cultivate a fulfilling home life.

Al discusses the various initiatives, such as the Lifestyle Home Rental Program, aimed at not only providing housing but also fostering a sense of community among tenants. We also explore the pressing issue of empty homes and Seren Glas's efforts to repurpose them to address the housing crisis.

Unexpected Benefits of Networking

Al's commitment to providing safe, high-quality accommodation shines through as he shares the core values driving Seren Glas. At Seren Glas, Al believes in the fundamental right of every individual to reside in secure, well-equipped homes. This philosophy underpins every aspect of their operations, ensuring clients receive the utmost quality and standards in housing.

Throughout our conversation, Al reflects on the importance of networking in business growth and the value of overcoming personal challenges, such as imposter syndrome. He discusses the gratification derived from offering a platform for others to share their entrepreneurial experiences.

Always Time to Change

Al shares insights into the company's ethos, emphasising the importance of every individual having access to well-equipped and secure housing. He highlights their commitment to delivering on the Seren Glas promise of excellence in every property they offer. Al reflects on his own experiences within the business, recounting challenges faced and lessons learned along the way.

From initial aspirations in art and design to navigating career shifts, his story is one of resilience and adaptation. Throughout our conversation, Al emphasises the significance of embracing change and the value of continuous learning. As we delve into the podcast, Al's passion for providing quality housing solutions shines through.

His dedication to creating homes where clients can truly thrive is evident in every aspect of Seren Glas's approach. Join us as we explore the journey of Seren Glas Properties and gain valuable insights into the world of property management and entrepreneurship.


My name is Byron Phillips and I run Datrysiad Media.

Datrysiad Media is a video production company based in Cardiff. We help businesses with their pain problems and communicate their stories.

We are a full-service video production that can handle every aspect of the video production process. Creating high-quality video content that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations.

Breaking Through Mental Barriers: Insights from Cryosport Recovery

Welcome to the Datrysiad Media Podcast, I sit down with Andrea Pugh where she shares insights into her business, Cryosport Recovery, and her experiences with NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming). Andrea discusses the inspiration behind founding Cryosport, driven by a desire to provide alternative treatments for conditions like fibromyalgia. She explains the process of retraining as a sports massage therapist and the importance of networking in establishing her business.

Andrea delves into the services offered by Cryosport, including localized cryotherapy and NLP techniques aimed at overcoming mental barriers. She provides examples of how NLP has helped clients change their mindsets and improve self-confidence. Throughout the conversation, Andrea emphasizes the connection between mind and body, highlighting instances where mental shifts led to physical changes.

Join us as Andrea shares her journey and expertise, offering valuable insights into alternative therapies and the power of NLP. This podcast clip provides a glimpse into the conversation between myself and Andrea, offering practical advice and inspiring stories. Whether you're curious about alternative treatments or interested in personal development, this clip offers something for everyone.



I sit down with Andrea Pugh for an insightful discussion on her journey founding CryoSport Recovery, her experience transitioning from a banking career, and her expertise in NLP. Andrea shares her inspiration behind starting CryoSport after witnessing the transformative effects of cryotherapy on a friend with fibromyalgia.

Throughout the conversation, Andrea provides practical insights into the challenges she faced, from financial planning to navigating the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. She highlights the importance of networking and retraining in preparation for her new venture. Andrea also discusses the holistic approach she takes in her business, addressing both physical and mental well-being through services like cryotherapy, sports massage therapy, and NLP coaching.


I sit down with Andrea Pugh in this clip from our podcast, where she shares insights into her business journey and experience with Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). Andrea discusses how NLP training has transformed her approach to coaching, both personally and professionally.

She reflects on the challenges of overcoming imposter syndrome while starting her business and the impact it had on her self-confidence. Andrea explains how NLP techniques have helped her navigate stressful situations and overcome self-doubt.

Throughout the conversation, Andrea provides practical examples of how NLP has influenced her mindset and approach to problem-solving. Join us as we delve into Andrea's journey of self-discovery and growth through NLP.

WHAT IS neuro linguistic programming (NLP)

I sit down with Andrea Pugh, a seasoned entrepreneur, to delve into her expertise in neurolinguistic programming (NLP) and how it intersects with her business journey. Andrea shares insights into the power of NLP in understanding and communicating with the unconscious mind, shedding light on its applications in personal growth and achievement.

We discuss the formation of beliefs and values in early childhood, highlighting their lasting impact on behaviour and decision-making. Andrea emphasises the importance of creating the right environment for children to thrive, rather than micromanaging their development. Our conversation touches on how seemingly insignificant events or triggers from childhood can shape an individual's fears and behaviours in adulthood.

Throughout the interview, Andrea provides practical examples and anecdotes from her own experiences, offering a relatable perspective on the subject. We explore the ways in which NLP can be used to identify and overcome limiting beliefs, paving the way for personal and professional growth. Join us as we uncover the fascinating world of NLP and its implications for understanding ourselves and others.


I sit down with Andrea Pugh for an insightful discussion on her business, experiences, and the integration of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) into her coaching methods. Andrea shares her expertise in helping clients overcome mental barriers that hinder their performance and motivation in physical activities. She discusses the importance of addressing both mental and physical aspects to achieve holistic progress in training and coaching.

In this clip from our podcast conversation, Andrea delves into how she applies NLP techniques to assist clients in regaining motivation for activities they once enjoyed, such as running or weightlifting. She highlights the significance of identifying and challenging self-imposed limitations that can affect performance. Andrea draws on her own experiences and examples to illustrate the impact of beliefs on achieving fitness goals.

Throughout the discussion, Andrea provides practical insights into the ways NLP can be integrated into coaching to facilitate personal growth and development. She emphasises the need to understand individual needs and tailor approaches accordingly. Join us as we explore the transformative potential of NLP in overcoming mental barriers and enhancing physical performance.


I sit down with Andrea Pugh in this podcast clip, where we delve into her business, experiences, and insights into Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). Andrea shares her perspective on introducing NLP at an earlier age, reflecting on the importance of childhood development. She discusses the misconceptions surrounding NLP and highlights its individualized nature, contrasting it with traditional counselling methods. Throughout the conversation, Andrea provides practical examples and anecdotes to illustrate the principles of NLP and its application in personal growth.

We explore Andrea's journey in NLP, shedding light on how it addresses behaviours driving thoughts and emotions. She emphasises the significance of understanding early influences on individuals, advocating for a nuanced approach in therapy. Andrea's expertise offers valuable insights into how NLP can reshape perceptions and reactions to past events. Her discussion on timeline therapy provides a glimpse into the unique techniques used in NLP sessions.


I sit down with Andrea Pugh for an insightful discussion on her business, experience, and the power of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). In this clip from our podcast conversation, Andrea shares a compelling success story involving NLP techniques. We delve into how NLP helped a woman overcome her fear of driving on a particular road, showcasing the practical application of mindset shifts.

Andrea discusses the switch technique used to change the woman's mindset, ultimately leading to her successful drive to visit her son at university. Through our conversation, we highlight the effectiveness of NLP in addressing personal challenges and changing perspectives. This clip offers a glimpse into Andrea's expertise and the transformative potential of NLP in everyday life.


I sit down with Andrea Pugh for an insightful conversation on her business ventures, personal experiences, and expertise in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). Andrea shares her journey into NLP and how it has shaped her approach to helping others overcome challenges. We delve into the profound connection between mental and physical health, exploring real-life examples of how stress can manifest as physical pain.

Andrea discusses her ongoing training as an NLP Master Practitioner, highlighting her commitment to deepening her understanding and skills in assisting individuals in various areas of their lives. She shares compelling anecdotes, such as experiences with clients during cryotherapy sessions, illustrating the intricate interplay between the mind and body. Additionally, Andrea opens up about her own encounter with stress-induced illness, emphasising the importance of recognising the impact of mental states on physical well-being.

Throughout our conversation, we explore the nuanced ways in which NLP can be applied to enhance holistic wellness and personal development. Andrea's insights shed light on the power of addressing underlying mental patterns to promote overall health and resilience.


I sit down with Andrea Pugh, who has vast experience in business and a deep understanding of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). In this clip from our podcast conversation, Andrea shares insights into her journey, discussing the challenges she's faced and the lessons she's learned along the way.

Andrea delves into the importance of overcoming fear and obstacles in both personal and professional life. She advocates for seeking therapy or coaching without stigma, highlighting the need to find the right approach for individual needs. Andrea also touches on the nuances of NLP, acknowledging that it may not be a one-size-fits-all solution but can be impactful for those it resonates with.

Through a personal anecdote, Andrea illustrates the power of NLP in eliminating unwanted habits or cravings. She reflects on the struggle of habitual behaviours and the significance of personal desire and commitment in driving change.


I sit down with Andrea Pugh for an insightful discussion about her business, experience, and expertise in NLP. In this clip taken from our podcast conversation, Andrea shares valuable insights into resolving conflicts of interest that hinder personal and professional progress.

Andrea discusses the importance of identifying and addressing inner conflicts, which can often arise between conscious goals and unconscious desires. She highlights how conflicts can manifest in various aspects of life, from weight loss goals to business decisions. Throughout our conversation, Andrea provides practical strategies for overcoming these conflicts and achieving desired outcomes.

With a wealth of experience in NLP and a deep understanding of human behaviour, Andrea offers valuable advice for anyone seeking to navigate their own inner conflicts and achieve personal growth.


My name is Byron Phillips and I run Datrysiad Media.

Datrysiad Media is a video production company based in Cardiff. We help businesses with their pain problems and communicate their stories.

We are a full-service video production that can handle every aspect of the video production process. Creating high-quality video content that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations.

Unlocking Your Potential: Insights with NLP Master Practitioner Gerry Steinhauer

Welcome to the Datrysiad Media Podcast, and the transformative world of NLP with Gerry Steinhauer, an experienced Master Practitioner in Neural Linguistic Programming. In this podcast video, Gerry delves into the intricacies of NLP, offering insights into how it can enhance both personal and professional lives.

Discover how NLP clarifies thinking, steers individuals away from negative decisions, and tackles prevalent issues such as depression, anxiety, and stress, all of which stem from our primal instincts. Through Gerry's own journey with addiction, gain a profound understanding of the unconscious mechanisms driving addictive behaviours, and the necessity of addressing underlying conditioning for lasting change. Join Gerry as he shares his unique approach, rooted in understanding each client's life story, unraveling unconscious patterns, and employing tailored techniques such as dissociating emotions from past traumatic events.

Witness firsthand the power of NLP in achieving emotional clarity and resilience. Whether you're curious about NLP's potential or seeking guidance for personal growth, this video offers valuable insights and practical advice. Don't miss out on the opportunity to transform your life with NLP. Hit the subscribe button and join Gerry's journey towards empowerment and self-discovery today.


Revealing OUR Primal Instincts

Gerry, an NLP Master practitioner, shares valuable insights into how unconscious factors can hinder our progress and decision-making abilities. We delve into the significance of primal responses such as fight or flight, stress, and anger, and their impact on our modern behaviour. Gerry explains how NLP techniques can assist individuals in overcoming internal barriers, both personally and professionally.

He emphasises the importance of clarifying our thinking processes to prevent negative states like depression and anxiety. Throughout our conversation, we explore the evolutionary origins of these instincts and their role in shaping social dynamics, including inclusion and exclusion.

Join us as we analyse real-life examples, such as natural disasters and football hooliganism, to understand how quickly individuals can revert to primal behaviours in certain situations.

Understanding Addiction

Gerry shares his experiences and observations regarding addiction, shedding light on the complex nature of compulsive behaviours. He discusses how addiction often stems from underlying trauma and the role of unconscious mechanisms in driving addictive behaviours. In our conversation, Gerry delves into the concept of addiction as a form of compensation for unmet needs or unresolved issues.

He emphasises the importance of understanding addiction beyond its surface manifestations, highlighting the role of empathy and compassion in supporting individuals struggling with addiction. Gerry's personal journey and professional insights offer valuable perspectives on the challenges and complexities of addiction.

Join us as we explore the multifaceted nature of addiction and gain a deeper understanding of its underlying dynamics. This podcast clip aims to foster empathy, awareness, and meaningful dialogue surrounding the issue of addiction. Tune in to gain valuable insights from Gerry Steinhauer's wealth of experience and expertise in this compelling conversation.

Highly Functional Alcoholic

Gerry candidly shares his journey, including periods of sobriety and relapse over the years. We delve into the concept of high-functioning alcoholism, challenging common perceptions surrounding addiction. Despite facing dark times, Gerry found support and guidance from his mentor, Bridget, ultimately leading him to discover Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) as a tool for recovery.

Gerry's story sheds light on the complexities of addiction and the importance of seeking help. Throughout our conversation, we explore the impact of substance abuse on one's life and relationships. Gerry's honesty and resilience offer hope to those struggling with similar challenges. Join us as we uncover the transformative power of self-awareness and support in overcoming addiction.

Shutting DOWN Your Feelings to OTHERS

Gerry shares his personal experience of consciously preventing himself from loving others and himself due to feelings of unworthiness. Through therapy and self-reflection, Gerry embarked on a transformative journey towards self-acceptance and emotional healing.

He candidly discusses the challenges of breaking free from unconscious conditioning and the profound shift he experienced upon embracing self-love. Join us as Gerry offers valuable insights into identifying triggers and overcoming self-destructive patterns.

This conversation sheds light on the importance of addressing deep-seated issues and fostering genuine self-compassion.

We DO NOT Come with a User Manual

Gerry sheds light on the complexities of human behaviour, highlighting the absence of a user manual guiding our responses. Through insightful analogies of fear and anger, Gerry explains how our primal instincts dictate our reactions, drawing parallels from infancy to adulthood. In a candid discussion, we explore the innate responses to fear and hunger, delving into how these initial reactions shape our behavioural patterns.

Gerry's expertise in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) offers a fresh perspective on rewiring our unconscious responses by revisiting our formative experiences. Join us as we navigate the intricacies of human behaviour, seeking to understand and evolve our innate reactions in a nuanced manner.

Highly VOLATILE Response to Trauma

Gerry, drawing from his expertise, offers a nuanced understanding of PTSD, characterizing it as a highly volatile negative response triggered by traumatic events.

Throughout our discussion, he underscores the significance of identifying and addressing the root causes of trauma to facilitate healing effectively. We explore practical techniques aimed at dissociating emotions from traumatic experiences, allowing individuals to gain control over their responses and reactions.

By understanding the interplay between past traumas and present triggers, Gerry highlights the importance of unraveling the layers of emotional responses. Our conversation navigates through the process of healing, shedding light on the journey towards emotional liberation and resilience.

Join us as we navigate through the complexities of PTSD therapy, offering valuable insights and practical guidance for individuals seeking to overcome trauma. Through candid dialogue and thoughtful analysis, Gerry and I aim to provide a deeper understanding of PTSD and empower individuals on their path to recovery. Tune in to this enlightening discussion as we explore the transformative potential of therapy in undoing the impact of trauma.

Falling OFF The EDGE

Gerry shares insightful observations about the factors that contribute to individuals reaching their breaking point. He discusses how it's often not one major event but a combination of smaller issues that lead to a crisis.

Gerry uses analogies such as stress on aircraft wings to explain the gradual build-up of pressure. We explore the importance of addressing underlying issues rather than solely focusing on the final tipping point. Gerry's perspective sheds light on the nuanced nature of mental health challenges.

Demystifying NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)

Gerry, shares his perspectives on the limitations and potential of NLP techniques. Gerry sheds light on the nuanced approach required when delving into the unconscious mind and using NLP methods effectively.

He emphasises the importance of proper training and supervision to avoid potential pitfalls in working with complex psychological issues. Through Gerry's experiences, including a case involving a barrister with dissociative disorder, we explore the practical applications of NLP and the challenges practitioners may encounter.

This conversation offers valuable insights for anyone interested in understanding the realities of NLP and its impact on addressing psychological issues.

When Anger BECOMES Intelligent

We delve into Gerry's approach to therapy sessions, where he encourages individuals to share their life stories authentically, without scripting or restraint.

Gerry highlights the importance of addressing negative emotions, particularly anger, and how their manifestation evolves with age and experience. In our conversation, Gerry discusses the role of unconscious reactions, often rooted in early childhood experiences, in shaping adult behaviour.

He provides examples illustrating the unconscious mind's intricate storage of memories and its influence on conscious decision-making. Gerry's perspective sheds light on the complexities of human psychology and offers valuable insights into therapeutic approaches.

Techniques For PTSD

Gerry shares valuable insights into techniques for managing PTSD. He discusses Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) methods and how they can be applied to traumatic experiences. Through simple yet profound explanations, Gerry demonstrates how these techniques can help individuals reframe their perception of past events.

Gerry elaborates on a specific NLP technique involving the alteration of sensory perceptions. He walks us through a step-by-step process of revisiting traumatic memories with a new perspective. By viewing events in black and white at normal speed, then in color at increased speed, one can detach from the emotions associated with them.

Gerry's approach emphasises the role of the unconscious mind in processing and reframing traumatic experiences. In another method, Gerry guides us through a journey back to childhood memories. He explains how distancing oneself from emotions associated with these memories can reduce their impact. Through gentle questioning and introspection, Gerry helps individuals explore and understand their unconscious responses.

Living LIFE Through Our OWN Reality

Gerry shares his perspective on how individual realities shape our perceptions and decision-making processes. He emphasises the absence of objective truth, highlighting how our internal maps filter our interpretations of events.

Gerry delves into the unreliability of witness testimony, drawing attention to the diverse perceptions people hold. We explore the unconscious filtering of information based on personal criteria and values, affecting everything from purchasing decisions to deeper life choices. Throughout our conversation, Gerry underscores the importance of understanding others' realities to suspend judgment and empathise with diverse perspectives.

Living In A Simulation

Gerry shares his contemplations on the idea and its relationship to quantum physics. We explore how theories in physics intersect with existential questions, offering a thought-provoking perspective on existence.

Gerry reflects on the notion of multiple timelines and the predominant energy nature of the universe. He muses over the possibility that human beings might be energetic entities within a simulated reality. Our dialogue delves into the implications of such ideas, including the notion of choice points and the potential to influence outcomes.

Throughout our conversation, we maintain a rational and curious approach, avoiding sensationalism. Gerry's insights prompt contemplation rather than sensationalism, inviting viewers to ponder profound questions about reality and existence.

YOUR Unconscious THINKS It KNOWS Better

Gerry shares his expertise on the unconscious mind and its impact on our behaviour. We delve into a case study where Gerry explains how repressed trauma can lead to destructive habits like alcoholism.

Through Gerry's explanation, we gain a deeper understanding of how our unconscious beliefs shape our actions. He discusses the importance of confronting hidden traumas and the clarity it brings. Gerry's perspective offers valuable insights into the power of acknowledging and addressing unconscious beliefs.

Schools SHOULD Introduce NLP

Gerry shares insights on how NLP techniques could address issues like bullying in schools, drawing from his experience working with clients. He emphasizes the importance of understanding one's motivations for change and acknowledges the limitations of NLP as a universal solution. In our discussion, Gerry expresses his hopes for NLP to gain more traction, particularly in educational settings, to support mental wellbeing from an early age.

We delve into the nuances of NLP, highlighting that while it offers valuable tools, it's not a panacea for all psychological challenges. Throughout the conversation, we maintain a practical tone, grounded in the recognition of the individual's role in driving personal change. Despite technical challenges with Gerry's website and physical discomfort during the recording, our conversation remains focused on the realistic potential and limitations of NLP.

Gerry's insights provide a balanced perspective on the role of NLP in addressing psychological issues, underscoring the importance of individual commitment to the process of change.


My name is Byron Phillips and I run Datrysiad Media.

Datrysiad Media is a video production company based in Cardiff. We help businesses with their pain problems and communicate their stories.

We are a full-service video production that can handle every aspect of the video production process. Creating high-quality video content that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations.


Unlocking Business Efficiency with Sian Faire: The Virtual Business Manager Expert

Welcome to the Datrysiad Media Podcast, we delve into the world of business efficiency with Sian Faire, an expert Virtual Business Manager. Sian's expertise lies in helping businesses overcome the hurdles of inefficiency and time constraints, ultimately unlocking their potential for growth.

Join us as we explore how Sian assists clients who find themselves working endless hours yet unable to propel their businesses forward. Through her unique approach, Sian identifies inefficiencies, streamlines workflows, and empowers clients to reclaim their work-life balance while fostering business expansion.

Discover why relinquishing control over certain tasks can be the key to unlocking untapped potential within your business. Sian's hands-on experience and proven strategies offer invaluable insights for entrepreneurs seeking sustainable growth and improved productivity.

If you're ready to take your business to the next level and regain control of your time, tune in to learn how Sian Faire's services could be the solution you've been searching for


Exploring the Virtual Business Management Journey

Sian shares her incredible journey navigating the world of remote work and virtual management. In this insightful excerpt, Sian sheds light on her transition from conventional employment to embracing the digital nomad lifestyle, all while juggling connections across continents. With a background in engineering and a knack for strategic business planning, Sian offers invaluable wisdom for aspiring VBMs and entrepreneurs alike. Dive into this dynamic discussion for a glimpse into the challenges, triumphs, and expert advice that Sian brings to the table. Subscribe now for more enriching conversations and expert insights on mastering the virtual business landscape!

Building Relationships

We explore Sian's journey navigating the professional world, particularly as a young female manager, and how she overcame challenges to foster meaningful connections. Sian shares insightful anecdotes and practical advice on effective communication, highlighting the importance of empathy and understanding in relationship-building. Join us as we uncover valuable insights and strategies for building strong, authentic relationships in both personal and professional spheres. You won't want to miss this enriching conversation!

Exploring Business Growth

Sian brings her wealth of experience in strategy, business planning, and remote work to the table, offering valuable insights for entrepreneurs and business owners alike. We discuss the importance of collaboration and brainstorming in fostering business innovation and adaptation, especially during challenging times such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Sian shares a real-life example of how she assisted a fitness instructor in pivoting her business model to thrive amidst uncertainty. Throughout our conversation, Sian emphasizes the significance of tapping into diverse networks and continuous learning to stay ahead in the ever-evolving business landscape. Join us as we explore practical strategies and valuable lessons for helping businesses thrive and grow in today's dynamic environment.

Exploring the Importance of Embracing Change

Sian, a seasoned entrepreneur, shares her insights on the challenges many businesses face when confronted with the need for change. We discuss how resisting change can hinder growth and why it's crucial to overcome this resistance.

Sian highlights the importance of recognizing that expertise in business operations transcends specific industries, emphasizing the value of a broad perspective. Throughout our conversation, we explore how common business problems remain consistent across diverse fields, underscoring the universal nature of certain challenges.

Join us as we unpack practical strategies for embracing change and adapting to the evolving landscape of business. Tune in to gain valuable insights from our candid discussion with Sian!

Achieving Work-Life Balance

We delve into Sian's personal strategies for managing her time effectively, including limiting her client load and committing to only a portion of a full-time workweek.

She shares her insights on the importance of maintaining a healthy balance between professional commitments and personal pursuits, highlighting the significance of flexibility and delegation. Join us as Sian offers practical advice and reflections on finding harmony between work and life, and discover how you can apply these principles to your own journey.

Insights on Business Success

I sit down with Sian, a seasoned entrepreneur, to discuss the intricacies of achieving success in business.

Sian shares her perspective on the importance of close client relationships and personal investment in their success. She sheds light on the challenges of relinquishing control in business management, drawing parallels to parenthood.

Throughout our conversation, we explore practical strategies for outsourcing tasks and optimizing efficiency in business operations. Sian's insights offer valuable lessons for both seasoned entrepreneurs and those just starting out on their business journey.

Tune in to gain practical advice and a deeper understanding of what it takes to succeed in business, straight from the experienced entrepreneur herself, Sian. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and share for more insightful discussions on our podcast.

Exploring the Power of Professional Networks

I sat down with Sian to delve into the importance of building and leveraging professional networks. We discussed how having a trusted network of professionals can be invaluable for business support, beyond just one's own expertise.

Sian shared insights into her approach of sourcing for specific roles within her business, always turning to her trusted network first. We also touched upon the meticulous process of screening potential contacts before connecting them for business purposes, ensuring compatibility and interest. Join us in this insightful conversation as we explore the practicalities and benefits of cultivating a strong professional network.

The Art of Pricing Services

I sit down with Sian in this podcast clip to discuss the importance of pricing services correctly. Sian shares insights into the common pitfalls businesses encounter when undervaluing their services and the necessity of educating clients about the true value they provide. We delve into the unseen time and effort that goes into delivering a service, beyond what clients may initially perceive.

Sian emphasizes the significance of pricing based on value rather than solely on time spent, highlighting the importance of considering both client-facing and behind-the-scenes work. Throughout our conversation, we explore the dynamics of pricing in various industries and the impact perception can have on client relationships. Join us as we uncover practical strategies for ensuring fair pricing and communicating the value of your services effectively.

Optimising Business Efficiency

In this clip from our podcast, we delve into the intricacies of delegating tasks and finding the right team members. Sian shares her expertise on identifying key responsibilities and matching them with suitable skills. We explore the importance of streamlining processes to allow business owners to focus on growth.

Throughout our conversation, Sian emphasizes the value of creating a cohesive team environment. Join us as we uncover practical strategies for optimizing productivity and fostering collaboration in your business. Discover actionable insights to enhance your business operations and build a strong team culture. Tune in to gain valuable perspectives from Sian's experience in business management and delegation. Don't miss out on this enriching discussion that could transform the way you approach team dynamics and productivity.

Streamlining Business Operations

I sit down with Sian, a seasoned consultant, in this enlightening podcast clip. Together, we delve into the world of streamlining operations for businesses, uncovering the common challenges they face. Sian shares her expertise on how businesses often find themselves tangled in inefficient processes that have evolved over time.

She discusses the limitations business owners encounter when they're too immersed in day-to-day operations to notice inefficiencies. We explore the role of external perspectives in identifying and rectifying these inefficiencies, offering a breath of fresh air to overwhelmed entrepreneurs. Sian sheds light on the importance of redesigning processes and systems to free up time for business owners to focus on core activities.

Moreover, we touch on the significance of outsourcing tasks to specialists, allowing business owners to reclaim their passion and purpose in running their ventures. Join us for a practical discussion on optimizing operations and unlocking growth potential in any business setting.

Navigating Entrepreneurial Challenges

I sit down with Sian in this podcast clip, where we delve into the shared challenges faced by entrepreneurs. We discuss the importance of supporting one another and moving beyond mere assistance to establish solid business foundations. Sian highlights how, despite operating in diverse industries, many fundamental issues remain consistent, such as time management and effective processes.

We also explore the mental strain and learning curve involved in managing various aspects of a business, particularly for those transitioning from traditional employment. Furthermore, we touch upon the value of time and the significance of outsourcing tasks to maximize productivity and profitability. Join us for an insightful conversation on navigating the ups and downs of entrepreneurship.


My name is Byron Phillips and I run Datrysiad Media.

Datrysiad Media is a video production company based in Cardiff. We help businesses with their pain problems and communicate their stories.

We are a full-service video production that can handle every aspect of the video production process. Creating high-quality video content that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations.


Doing Nothing Gets you Nothing: Navigating Low View Counts

Content creation is fickle, but when you start, encountering low view numbers is a familiar hurdle.

We've been fed a narrative of explosive growth—a promise of overnight success and viral fame. Yet, for many of us, the reality couldn't be further from the truth. Instead, we find ourselves grappling with low view counts, struggling to gain traction in a sea of digital noise. It's a slow and arduous journey, one filled with uncertainty and self-doubt.

Picture this

As I am on this journey too and experience this myself, we will use my business Datrysiad Media as a source reference, some of our videos barely scratch the surface with a mere 300 views. What gives, you might wonder? Well, it's a multifaceted challenge—ranging from SEO adjustments to fine-tuning niche targeting.

Yet, truth be told, I don't lose sleep over it.

Why the zen-like calm in the face of low numbers?

It's all about perspective. I've witnessed firsthand how tunnel-visioning on a niche can lead to creative burnout faster than you can say "YouTube algorithm." Esteemed YouTubers echo this sentiment, grappling with the incessant pressure of chasing numbers and its toll on mental well-being. So, why persist in this endeavour? Think of it as akin to hitting the gym or sticking to a diet—effort yields results. Content creation follows suit, albeit with a crucial tweak in mindset towards those elusive view counts.




Finding Balance: Navigating the Narrow Niche

Let's delve deeper into the realm of niches. While they provide a sense of direction and focus, they can also feel confining, stifling even. It's akin to residing in a beautifully decorated room with no windows—it's comfortable, yet suffocating.

This leads us to question:

Q: Should we stray beyond the confines of our niche?

A: The Liberation in Exploration

In essence, lies in striking a delicate balance—a balance between specialisation and exploration.

Allowing oneself to explore beyond the boundaries of a narrow niche can be liberating. It opens doors to uncharted territories, beckoning with the promise of fresh ideas and renewed inspiration. Take my journey, for instance. While my niche revolves around video production, I've found solace—and purpose—in exploring adjacent realms. Whether it's dabbling in:

  • Blogs

  • Podcasts, talking to business about what they do

  • Tutorials and Demonstrations

  • Venturing into storytelling

  • Streaming Live

Each foray adds depth to my creative arsenal, enriching my content in ways I never thought possible. But with this, comes the cost of not working with the algorithm, so views which do not target a niche that the algorithm as learned from my content can hurt my views. This I am fine with, the freedom to not be tied down gives me mental reprieve, so I accept the trade off.

Now lets be clear, my niche is broad but I have an over archinggoal:



Educate business owners the value of content creation and the impact it can have on their brand


This is broad, I do not confine myself to a type of business, a specialised niche, because it is my belief that all businesses want growth and scale OTHERS may just want to grow their viewer base. This is not tied to one business type!

I just try to educate on what is possible and let the viewers /readers make the informed choice on how they act and how it applies to their business. I am not in the mindset of spoon feeding, there as to be some work on your part.

But this broadness does hurt my views, so we need to understand the landscape and be OK with it.


So, let's look at this through a practical lens of business goals. As a video production owner, I know that I can manage 4-5 repeat customers a month before I need to hire additional staff to help deal with the growth the business will experience.


So, let's keep that number 5. That’s our first milestone. 300 views don’t seem so bad, the goal here is to demonstrate my ability to deliver quality content that will serve as the inspiration for other business to use my services.

So, let's be smart!

Perhaps the number of views is fine.


Is it being used on the right platforms for where my customer is?

I use LinkedIn. This is where my customers live, and it is here I want to provide value and demonstrate the quality and value that my business can provide. This video will then be split, I will use information from the blog, and I will create 15 LinkedIn posts and schedule them throughout the year to increase engagement and offer value. This has the potential impact of generating more views per post and I can also link it back to the YouTube video.

Consider another video I created, titled "From Hollywood to Your Home: Mastering Green Screens (For Business Success!)", This is using the same methodology, start with a blog, create a video, split the video, create 15 linked in posts and schedule. The split video is also spread across other platforms as well.


This campaign is ongoing as I am working towards evergreen content and not everything has been released, since it is on a release schedule.

Present Total: 2536 views

  • 111 views - YouTube Video

  • 5 views - Blog

  • 894 views - LinkedIn split into 6 videos and 1 full video

  • 154 views - Facebook

  • 1322 views - TikTok split video into 6

  • 50 views - Instagram split video into 6

The blog post garnered a paltry five views, with the YouTube video faring marginally better at 111 views. However, by disseminating the content across various platforms—LinkedIn, Facebook, TikTok, Instagram—the total number of views reached 2536. While this number may still seem relatively low, it's important to contextualize it within the broader scope of our mission.

MISSION: As a video production owner, our primary goal is to acquire around 5 repeat customers per month.

This point becomes even more poignant when considering the nature of digital engagement. Behind those numbers are real individuals, each with their own unique interests and needs. So, while we may not yet know who precisely constitutes those 2536 views, each one represents a potential connection, a prospective client waiting to be engaged.

While the number 2536 may seem modest at first glance, it's brimming with untapped potential.

Remember, it's crucial to recognise the alternative

Doing nothing equates to nothinG!

Zero opportunities for connection.

Zero opportunities for conversation.

Zero opportunities for engagement.

By taking proactive steps to disseminate our content across various platforms, we're essentially multiplying our presence, ensuring that even when we're physically absent, our digital footprint continues to work tirelessly on our behalf.

It's akin to having a clone

An extension of ourselves, advocating for our brand and values in the digital sphere. So, in essence, while we may not be able to physically clone ourselves, our content serves as a digital surrogate, amplifying our voice and maximising our potential impact.

Translate these insights into Practical business objectives

MISSION: As a video production owner, my goal is clear: I aim to acquire around 5 repeat customers every month.

While this may seem like a modest goal, it aligns with the scale and capacity of my business. Therefore, I don't feel undue stress about low view counts. It's essential to recognise that focusing on the right platforms is key. For instance, while my YouTube views may be low, the 894 views on LinkedIn hold significant value.

I physically could not clone myself enough times to have the 894 individual conversations with people that the LinkedIn views have garnered. Moreover, I've noticed that at networking events, people already express familiarity and appreciation for the work I'm doing.

This pre-established connection makes conversations more fruitful and increases the likelihood of converting views into valuable business opportunities. By strategically leveraging platforms where my target audience is present and where my work is already appreciated, I maximise the impact of my content and move closer to achieving my business goals.


Let's acknowledge the personal journey we're all on in business and content creation. I understand the reluctance to take that first step, the nagging worry about low view numbers, and the overwhelming pressure of uncertainty, wondering if our content is truly resonating with our audience.

But amidst these challenges lies an opportunity for growth, learning, and ultimately, success.

By embracing authenticity, consistency, and strategic distribution, we not only amplify our digital presence but also nurture genuine connections with our audience. So, as fellow travellers on this road less travelled, let's remember that success is not defined by the number of views, but by the impact we make and the relationships we foster along the way.

Keep creating, keep persevering, and above all, keep believing in the transformative power of your voice.


My name is Byron Phillips and I run Datrysiad Media.

Datrysiad Media is a video production company based in Cardiff. We help businesses with their pain problems and communicate their stories.

We are a full-service video production that can handle every aspect of the video production process. Creating high-quality video content that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations.


Functional Neurological Disorder (FND): Embracing Strength and Resilience with Donna Phillips' Journey

A Journey Unveiled

From the moment Donna first experienced the sudden signs of FND to the countless doctor's appointments and diagnostic tests that followed, her journey has been one marked by resilience and determination. Through her candid storytelling, she offers listeners an intimate glimpse into the complexities of FND, shedding light on the diverse symptoms and challenges she faces each day.

Donna's journey is a testament to the strength and resilience that reside within her. Despite the hurdles she has faced, she has approached each obstacle with grace and courage, her hope is to spread the message of FND through hearing her story. Her unwavering determination to navigate life with FND serves as a beacon of hope for individuals facing similar challenges.

As Donna shares her experiences, she advocates for greater awareness and understanding of FND, fostering a sense of community and solidarity among those impacted by the condition. Her words carry a powerful message of empowerment, reminding us all of the strength that lies within each of us, even in the face of adversity.

Going Back to the Start

Donna, previously known for her vibrant and active lifestyle, recounts the moment everything changed on a sunny day in May. As she cooked dinner, seemingly out of nowhere, Donna's hands began to shake uncontrollably. She brushed it off, eager to take her family for a walk.

But within minutes, her arm and leg grew heavy, rendering her unable to continue. Even holding a glass of water became a struggle. Donna, known for her kickboxing prowess and adventurous spirit, found herself suddenly immobilized, a stark contrast to her previously bustling energy.

As Donna shares her story with us, she highlights the disbelief surrounding her diagnosis. With no prior physical ailments besides controlled asthma, the sudden onset of FND symptoms left her and her family reeling. Donna's active lifestyle and love for outdoor adventures made the reality of her condition even harder to accept.

Despite the challenges, Donna's resilience shines through as she navigates life with FND. Her journey serves as a beacon of hope for others facing similar battles. Join us as we uncover Donna's courage, determination, and unwavering spirit in the face of adversity.

Groundhog Day

Donna recounts spending over four days in the hospital undergoing various tests and consultations with multiple doctors. Despite the thorough examinations, her symptoms, which initially presented in her hands, remained unexplained.

The hospital environment Donna describes is one of strain and inefficiency, with long waits and a shortage of beds. Despite the efforts of the medical staff, the process felt repetitive, akin to a "Groundhog Day," with the same tests being conducted repeatedly, leaving Donna feeling frustrated and exhausted.

Medical professionals ruled out serious conditions such as stroke and Guillain-Barre syndrome, as Donna's symptoms did not align with typical progression patterns. However, despite extensive testing, including an MRI scan, no significant findings were discovered, leaving Donna and her medical team perplexed about the cause of her symptoms.

Donna's journey extended beyond the hospital, as she returned home to face the reality of long-term adjustments. Physiotherapy and occupational therapy were arranged to accommodate Donna's needs, indicating a recognition of the permanence of her condition and the need for ongoing support.

Throughout the conversation, Donna's frustration with the healthcare system's limitations is evident, with long wait times and inadequate resources adding to her challenges. Despite the uncertainties surrounding her condition, Donna remains resilient, grateful for the support she has received and determined to navigate her health journey with strength and optimism.

Making Sense of the Results

Donna shares her journey grappling with a perplexing medical condition that left her unable to walk despite being deemed medically fit.

Donna expresses frustration with the medical system's inability to provide a definitive diagnosis, despite undergoing numerous scans and tests. She highlights the reluctance to undergo a lumbar puncture due to its high-risk nature, which further added to her distress.

Transitioning from an active lifestyle, participating in kickboxing and walking miles, to suddenly needing a wheelchair was emotionally challenging for Donna. The sudden shift from independence to dependency on others for basic mobility needs took a toll on her mental well-being.

Donna reflects on the profound impact of her condition on her daily life, including the loss of driving privileges and missing out on simple joys like seeing her children off to school. These experiences underscore the emotional strain and upheaval caused by the illness.

Despite facing immense adversity, Donna maintains resilience and composure, attributing her strength to her background in the care industry. She acknowledges the significant life changes but remains determined not to let her illness define her identity or deter her from living life to the fullest.

Coping With What Comes Next

Donna delve’s into her experiences and reflections on facing life-changing circumstances. Donna candidly shares her journey of coming to terms with the possibility of paralysis, highlighting the initial discomfort of using a wheelchair but ultimately embracing it as a means of mobility.

Donna discusses the societal perceptions surrounding wheelchairs, acknowledging the struggle some individuals face in accepting such drastic changes. She shares the emotional challenge of parting with her car, which represented her independence, emphasising the practical difficulties of relying solely on public transport in their village.

Throughout our conversation, Donna reflects on the resilience she's witnessed in others facing similar challenges, drawing inspiration from their ability to adapt and persevere. We delve into her exploration of various medical conditions online, particularly autoimmune diseases like lupus and neurological disorders such as MS, underscoring the complexity of symptom overlap and diagnosis.

Despite the uncertainty and myriad of unknowns, Donna maintains a perspective of gratitude, acknowledging that her situation could have been much worse. Through her story, she sheds light on the importance of resilience, adaptation, and seeking support in navigating life's unexpected twists and turns. Join us as we explore Donna's journey of coping with what comes next.

Make a Note of Everything

Donna shares her experience navigating the healthcare system while seeking a diagnosis for her medical condition. She emphasizes the importance of keeping detailed notes and advocating for oneself during medical appointments.

Despite facing challenges with missing referrals and incomplete records, Donna eventually seeks private consultation, where a neurologist diagnoses her with Functional Neurological Disorder (FND). The neurologist correlates Donna's symptoms with FND and explains potential causes,

shedding light on her condition. Throughout the conversation, Donna highlights the mental and physical toll of her medical journey, including struggles with brain fog and fatigue.

She advises others to document their medical history thoroughly and seek support from loved ones during challenging times. Donna's story serves as a testament to resilience and the importance of proactive healthcare management.

It's a Software Issue

Donna explains FND as akin to a software malfunction in the brain, where the hardware (neurons) fails, resulting in bodily shutdowns. Despite its neurological nature, FND remains undetectable through scans or tests, complicating diagnosis.

Differentiating FND from mental health conditions, Donna highlights its emergence as a recognised neurological disorder through recent research, dispelling earlier misconceptions.

The severity of FND symptoms varies widely, from paralysis to seizures, with limited treatment options available, including CBD and behavioural therapy.

Donna's personal experience with FND, underscores the significant challenges faced by those with more severe manifestations, such as paralysis or bowel dysfunction.

Our conversation sheds light on the complexities of FND and underscores the need for continued research and understanding to better support those affected by this condition.


Donna shares how she's always been vocal, but lately, she finds herself struggling to articulate her thoughts. She describes the frustration of losing her train of thought mid-sentence, a challenge she attributes to a condition called FND.

Despite her willingness to work and engage, Donna's condition has forced her to stop working altogether. She talks about the difficulty of concentrating and how even simple tasks like studying became impossible. Donna's speech issues extend beyond work settings; she experiences sensory overload in unfamiliar situations, making communication even more challenging.

Finding solace in online communities, Donna discusses how she connects with others facing similar challenges through Facebook groups. She highlights the importance of these groups in providing support and understanding, especially when dealing with symptoms like slurred speech and cognitive difficulties.

Through Donna's story, we gain insight into the complexities of living with FND. Despite occasional good days, she navigates daily life with the aid of cognitive behavioral strategies, emphasizing the need for patience and understanding from loved ones. Her journey sheds light on the resilience and determination required to manage a condition that affects not just speech, but every aspect of life.


Donna and I delve into the ever-changing landscape of symptoms associated with Functional Neurological Disorder (FND). Donna shares her personal journey, highlighting the unpredictable nature of FND symptoms. She emphasises that symptoms can fluctuate over time, potentially improving, worsening, or manifesting in entirely different ways.

We discuss the challenges individuals with FND face in receiving appropriate treatment, as traditional methods like physiotherapy may not address the underlying issues due to the absence of mechanical problems. Donna's experience underscores the frustration of being told by healthcare professionals that there's nothing to be done because there's no mechanical fault to fix.

Donna sheds light on the uncertainty surrounding the prognosis of FND. While some believe it can be cured, others argue that it goes through phases of remission. This ambiguity adds to the complexity of managing the disorder, leaving patients and healthcare providers grappling with questions about the long-term outlook.

We explore the diverse range of symptoms associated with FND, from seizures to migraines, which further complicates diagnosis and treatment. Donna shares anecdotes of individuals being diagnosed with FND due to severe migraines, sparking questions about the relationship between pre-existing conditions and FND triggers.

Finally, Donna reflects on her own journey with FND, highlighting unexpected adaptations like switching to driving an automatic car. Her experience underscores the need for flexibility and adaptation in navigating life with FND, as well as the importance of raising awareness and understanding of this complex disorder.


Donna bravely shares her journey of coping with a newfound disability and its impact on her career and daily life. She speaks candidly about the challenges she faces and the emotional toll it has taken on her.

Donna reflects on the abrupt change in her career trajectory, from lovingly supporting people and attending events to grappling with sensory overloads and memory issues. She expresses frustration at the difficulty of imagining alternative paths due to her disability. Despite her resilience, she acknowledges the daily struggle of navigating her new reality.

Memory problems, sensory overloads, and brain fog emerge as significant hurdles for Donna, prompting her to rely on alarms, calendars, and notes to manage her daily tasks and medication regimen. The conversation delves into the practical strategies she employs to cope with these challenges, highlighting the importance of adaptation and resilience in the face of adversity.

Donna articulates the complexities of distinguishing between symptoms of her disability (FND) and other health issues such as menopause and autoimmune diseases, which often overlap. She discusses the possibility of being diagnosed with fibromyalgia due to persistent pain and medication use, underscoring the interconnectedness of her health challenges and the need for comprehensive medical support.

Throughout the discussion, Donna's resilience shines through as she navigates the uncertainty and complexity of her health journey. Her willingness to share her experiences offers valuable insights into the lived reality of individuals grappling with disabilities and chronic illnesses, fostering empathy and understanding among viewers.


Humorously, Donna reflects on a memorable incident involving a fireman's lift. Donna recounts her struggle as I attempted to carry her upstairs, causing both physical strain and irritation. Despite our best intentions, the situation turned out to be more challenging than anticipated.

We delve into the complexities of assisting a partner in a difficult situation, highlighting how well-meaning actions can sometimes lead to frustration. Donna shares her perspective on the experience, revealing the unexpected difficulties and discomfort she faced during the lift.

Humorously, Donna reflects on her weight gain since the incident, attributing it to reduced activity and medication side effects. We explore the dynamics of family teasing, with Donna's sisters initially suggesting the lift.

Through laughter and reflection, we navigate the ups and downs of shared moments that shape our lives.


Donna shares her experiences with Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) and its debilitating effects on her daily life.

Donna sheds light on how chronic fatigue is a predominant issue for FND sufferers, impacting simple tasks like walking and thinking. She explains how even gentle activities, like a stroll with a walking stick, can leave her feeling utterly drained, emphasizing the importance of using a wheelchair to manage her leg weakness and fatigue.

In our discussion, Donna highlights the significance of seeking private appointments for diagnosis and treatment, especially when conventional medical routes fall short. She underscores the value of being proactive in managing one's health, including keeping meticulous records of symptoms and persistently advocating for oneself with healthcare providers.

Furthermore, Donna touches upon the dearth of understanding about FND within the medical community, stressing the need for individuals to take control of their healthcare journey. She encourages others to become their own advocates and managers, recognising that education about FND is often lacking in general medical practice. Through her candid insights, Donna empowers viewers to navigate their FND journey with resilience and self-advocacy.


Donna shares her journey of seeking diagnosis and treatment, highlighting the crucial role of online support groups. These platforms provide a safe space for individuals to share experiences, ask questions, and seek advice without fear of judgment. Donna encourages viewers not to hesitate in joining these communities for invaluable support.

One key takeaway from Donna's insight is the recommendation to record symptoms on video. She suggests documenting everything, from physical manifestations like leg spasms to cognitive difficulties, to provide comprehensive information for medical professionals. This proactive approach can assist in accurately diagnosing and managing conditions.

In addition to video documentation, Donna emphasises the importance of keeping detailed symptom logs. By meticulously recording symptoms and their frequency, individuals can track patterns and provide healthcare professionals with vital information during consultations. This organised approach facilitates better communication and more effective treatment plans.

Navigating the healthcare system, particularly in countries like the UK with its National Health Service (NHS), can be challenging. Donna acknowledges the sometimes lengthy process of obtaining referrals and accessing specialist care. However, she urges individuals to persist in advocating for themselves, whether through the NHS or private healthcare options, to receive timely and thorough medical attention.


Donna opens up about the day-to-day struggles of living with physical limitations, painting a raw picture of her experiences. She recounts moments of frustration, like being stuck on the sofa for three nights due to leg weakness, shedding light on the often-overlooked challenges faced by individuals with disabilities. Donna addresses common misconceptions about wheelchair users, stressing that not all wheelchair users are paralyzed, drawing from her own and her family's experiences.

Moving forward, Donna reflects on the impact of her condition on her ability to participate in everyday activities with her children, such as running around in the park. Despite these obstacles, she speaks of resilience and adaptability, highlighting how her relationship dynamics have shifted but ultimately grown stronger. Donna credits her support network, including family and job, for helping her navigate through the challenges. She maintains a pragmatic outlook, avoiding feelings of defeat and focusing on practical solutions. Through Donna's narrative, we gain a deeper understanding of the complexities and triumphs associated with living with physical limitations.


My name is Byron Phillips and I run Datrysiad Media.

Datrysiad Media is a video production company based in Cardiff. We help businesses with their pain problems and communicate their stories.

We are a full-service video production that can handle every aspect of the video production process. Creating high-quality video content that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations.


Podcast - Control is the Problem - With Daniel Farmer @ Anxious To Zen

Welcome to the Datrysiad Media / A to Z Podcast, where we unravel the magic of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), recording content for your business and other insightful topics.

In today's episode, we plunge into the universal theme of control, exploring its nuances with an open and relatable vibe.

We kick off the conversation by acknowledging life's inherent uncertainties and the anxiety they often bring. Drawing on real-life scenarios, they illuminate the pitfalls of overthinking and the futile pursuit of resolving every issue. The dialogue gracefully pivots to the delicate dance between self-reflection and unproductive rumination, emphasizing the uniqueness of each relationship.

We candidly share personal experiences, the narrative gracefully weaves through the labyrinth of control, acceptance, and personal growth. Without directly referencing the transcript, this episode emerges as a captivating exploration of life's complexities, offering practical insights rooted in ACT principles.

Whether you're a seasoned advocate of therapy or a newcomer to the world of self-discovery, the ACT Podcast invites you to join this journey towards a more purposeful and empowered existence.


Unlocking Corporate Well-being: Navigating Engagement in Psychological Flexibility Training

The focus shifted to the reception of psychological flexibility training within businesses. Dan, emphasizing the importance of demonstrating tangible returns on investment, discussed his approach of group training for 30 to 50 individuals, aiming to make these valuable skills accessible to a broader audience.

Acknowledging varying levels of engagement, Dan strategically identifies cohorts within a company to maximize enthusiasm during training sessions. He highlighted the 80-20 rule, noting that approximately 40% of a business is generally receptive to mental health and well-being initiatives, with 20% showing eagerness, 20% avoiding engagement, and the remaining 60% open but requiring more information.

Dan’s pragmatic perspective underscores the challenges and opportunities in fostering corporate well-being, emphasizing the potential impact of training on individual and collective success.

Navigating Presentation Challenges: Overcoming Engagement Hurdles in Well-being Discussions

In the realm of delivering presentations, Dan shared insights into the mental aspects faced by presenters dealing with varying levels of audience engagement. Addressing disinterest, he remains unfazed, recognizing the adage that, while you can lead a horse to water, you can't make it drink. Dan strategically targets receptive groups, acknowledging the critical role of enthusiasm in the success of psychological flexibility training.

He highlights the occasional surprise when initially disinterested individuals later express gratitude for the valuable insights gained. In tackling presenter anxiety, Dan advocates showcasing personal transformation as the most powerful tool, urging presenters to exemplify the positive impact of psychological flexibility in their own lives.

Ultimately, he stresses the potency of tangible change in influencing skeptical audiences, making a compelling case for the efficacy of well-being practices.

From Stress to Success: The Evolution of Video Creation

Stepping back into the video-making journey, Dan shared insights into his experience, comparing the initial attempt to the latest recording. Recalling the challenges of finding the right cadence and setup during the first video, Dan acknowledged the stress and effort invested in refining the message.

In contrast, the recent video presented a smoother process, with a ready script and a successful one-take recording. We commended Dan's seamless delivery and stressed the importance of having a template and structure for content creation. The conversation delved into the role of passion and overcoming initial hurdles, highlighting the delicate balance between discomfort and the rewarding outcomes of crafting compelling content.

Dan expressed gratitude for the supportive environment provided by Datrysiad Media, who emphasized the significance of managing anxiety to facilitate creativity and a seamless process.

The discussion unfolded a transformation from initial stress to a more confident and efficient video creation process for Dan.

Mastering the Teleprompter: Streamlining Communication and Enhancing Delivery

Delving into the nuances of teleprompter usage, the conversation between Dan and myself explores the evolving perceptions and benefits of integrating this tool into their video creation process. Acknowledging the initial hesitations, Dan attested to the teleprompter's transformative impact, making his messages more concise and the delivery process significantly smoother.

While initially averse to this tool, Dan quickly adapted, recognizing that practice enhances proficiency. The dialogue revealed the potential pitfall of over-focusing on the script at the expense of natural gestures and emotions. However, as both hosts became comfortable with the teleprompter, we discovered a natural fusion of scripted content with genuine expressions.

Dan shared his own journey of embracing the teleprompter to streamline content creation, emphasizing the importance of aligning scripted elements with personal delivery styles. The discussion highlighted the teleprompter as a valuable asset in facilitating a more controlled and effective communication process, ultimately enhancing the overall quality of their video content.

Unraveling the Control Conundrum: A Dive into ACT

We delve into the intricacies of Dan’s latest video on control, humorously acknowledging the occasional forgetfulness on my part.

The conversation unfolds as Dan shares insights into the challenges of acting on intrusive thoughts and how Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) addresses these cognitive struggles.

Dan reflects on the importance of taking action aligned with real threats versus perceived ones, illustrating with examples like the common concern of forgetting to lock the front door. We emphasize the tendency of the human brain to amplify possible threats, leading to a cycle of control-seeking behaviors that may limit one's life.

With a touch of humor, We discuss the metaphorical "monkey on the shoulder" and how ACT helps individuals peacefully coexist with uncomfortable thoughts. We unveil the paradoxical result where, by not engaging too much with these thoughts, the metaphorical monkey becomes quieter, paving the way for a virtuous circle of well-being. I add a lighthearted touch to the conversation, imagining the monkey's noisy demands as just another mouth to feed in a household already bustling with animals and kids.

Navigating the Choice Point: Overcoming OCD Tendencies with Psychological Flexibility

Dan and myself explore the nuances of intrusive thoughts and the challenge of resisting compulsive behaviors, using my personal experience with door-locking anxiety as an example. I candidly describes the ritual of double-checking the front door, even when reassured by his wife, showcasing the commonality of such behaviors. Dan introduces the concept of the "choice point" in ACT, where individuals face a decision between the well-worn path of giving in to compulsions or the more challenging road of enduring discomfort.

We discuss the transformative power of choosing the high road, allowing discomfort to dissipate naturally over time. I share instances where, despite initial anxiety, committing to the decision brought relief, emphasizing the importance of overcoming these challenges to build psychological flexibility.

The conversation unfolds to highlight the ongoing nature of this process, akin to fueling a car with psychological resilience. Ultimately, the discussion delves into the paradoxical idea that relinquishing control over certain behaviors can lead to a greater sense of control in one's life. I contemplate using chocolate as an extrinsic reward to reinforce positive choices, adding a lighthearted touch to the exploration of psychological principles.

Unraveling the Distinction Between Pain and Suffering: A Dive into ACT Philosophy

In this engaging conversation between Dan and myself, we explore a crucial aspect of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) – the distinction between pain and suffering. Dan skillfully breaks down these concepts, shedding light on how individuals often amplify their emotional pain through thought patterns and avoidance behaviors.

We begin with an acknowledgment of life's inevitable pain – be it physical or emotional. Dan focuses on emotional pain, encompassing challenges like relationship issues, financial struggles, or job-related threats. The conversation pivots around the human tendency, fueled by a negativity bias, to amplify negative outcomes through abstract thought. This, in turn, leads to spirals of overthinking and avoidance behaviors that exacerbate suffering.

Dan introduces the concept of the "choice point" in ACT, where individuals decide whether to take actions in service of what's important to them or succumb to avoidant strategies. The discussion delves into the pitfalls of avoiding discomfort and the potential for long-term consequences. An illustrative example includes individuals ruminating on past relationships, attempting to resolve issues that may not be relevant in future dynamics.

A thoughtful exploration unfolds regarding the limitations of personal control, especially in global issues like the climate crisis. Dan emphasizes the importance of taking action within one's sphere of influence while acknowledging the boundaries of individual impact.

The conversation steers toward self-reflection and learning from past experiences. Dan addresses the delicate balance between healthy self-reflection and unhelpful rumination, cautioning against getting trapped in a cycle of overanalyzing past actions. The conversation concludes with considerations of personal responsibility, recognition of the need for change, and the pragmatic approach of ACT in providing skills for a more fulfilling life.

Unveiling the Pursuit of Control as a Coping Mechanism

Dan and I explore personal experiences related to the theme of control as a problem, shedding light on how individuals often resort to certain behaviors to mitigate pain. We discuss the diverse ways people seek control and the potential pitfalls associated with such coping mechanisms.

Beginning with a personal reflection from Dan, sharing a moment from his past where he found himself questioning whether an ambulance he encountered was related to an accident he might have caused while on autopilot. This compelling anecdote highlights the irrationality that can accompany the quest for control, leading Dan to retrace his journey to gain a sense of certainty – a vivid manifestation of the need to control an aspect of life for a perceived sense of safety.

The conversation broadens to address how others might manifest similar tendencies. Dan underscores the prevalence of extraneous substances, such as alcohol and drugs, as tools to take the edge off stress and regain a semblance of control. We delve into the nuanced discussion of what constitutes workable and unworkable behaviors, emphasizing the importance of balance in coping mechanisms.

We explore avoidance and distraction as common strategies employed by individuals grappling with the desire for control. Examples include binge-watching television or engaging in online content consumption, with a humorous nod to YouTube (and the hope that people are indeed watching).

The conversation provides valuable insights into the multifaceted ways individuals grapple with the need for control to manage life's challenges. It prompts contemplation on the fine line between adaptive and maladaptive coping mechanisms, encouraging a nuanced understanding of how individuals seek to navigate and exert control in the face of discomfort.

Navigating the Perils of Reassurance-Seeking in Relationships

Dan and I explore the intricate dynamics of seeking reassurance in relationships, shedding light on the potential pitfalls and challenges it introduces. We begin by acknowledging the common inclination to seek reassurance, particularly when uncertainties or concerns about the relationship arise. The dialogue unfolds as we dissect the nuanced repercussions of this behavior, highlighting its potential impact on power dynamics and the mental well-being of both individuals involved.

Raising the issue of seeking reassurance in relationships, framing it as a common response when uncertainties about the relationship's status surface. We dissect the intricacies of this behavior, emphasizing its potential consequences, such as being perceived as needy or creating an imbalance in the power dynamic within the relationship.

The conversation delves into the challenges faced by both parties involved. We explore the potential mental fatigue experienced by the reassurance-seeker and the recipient's struggle to manage the demands of a partner constantly in need of validation. The dialogue recognizes the genuine reasons behind such behavior, acknowledging past traumas or negative relationship experiences that may drive individuals to seek reassurance.

As we navigate through the complexities of reassurance-seeking, we touch upon the shift in relationships from the exhilarating "honeymoon phase" to the more pragmatic and transactional stage. This transition, often marked by a decrease in the initial intensity, can trigger insecurities and prompt individuals to question the stability of the relationship.

A critical point of reflection emerges as we collectively question the healthiness of incessant reassurance-seeking in relationships. The conversation underscores the importance of fostering open communication and addressing concerns directly, rather than relying on constant validation.

Harnessing Control for Productivity and Self-Reflection

Dan and I explore the multifaceted nature of control, challenging the notion that it is inherently negative. Drawing from personal experiences, we unravel scenarios where control serves as a constructive force, guiding individuals to take helpful actions. The conversation unfolds with insights into recognizing the dichotomy of thoughts—some prompting constructive actions, while others, unhelpful, may lead to procrastination or unnecessary worry.

Dan initiates the conversation by emphasizing that control, though often associated with negativity, can be wielded in positive ways. He shares a personal anecdote about a rush of panic triggered by the thought of forgetting to pick up his son from nursery. This instance highlights the helpful nature of control, prompting him to take swift action, even though, upon reflection, it proved unnecessary. The narrative navigates through various examples, such as managing work tasks and addressing urgent matters, where control can be harnessed positively.

The concept of helpful and unhelpful thoughts, illustrating that individuals face a constant stream of both types daily. I share instances where identifying helpful thoughts spurred me into action. Simultaneously, he acknowledges the challenges posed by unhelpful thoughts, using the metaphor of the recurring concern about locking the front door when leaving the house.

As the conversation progresses, we explore the dynamics of procrastination and decision-making. I describes instances where he consciously chose less burdensome tasks over more critical ones, leading to a realization of impending consequences. This revelation prompts a discussion on the importance of self-awareness and recognizing patterns of procrastination.

Dan introduces a practical tool, the Act Matrix, as a means to cultivate awareness and prompt action. This tool involves creating a visual representation of one's priorities, actions aligned with values, and obstacles hindering progress. By physically writing down these elements, individuals can enhance their awareness and motivation to tackle procrastination.

Navigating Healthy Habits and Recognizing Control

Dan and I engage in a thoughtful discussion about the fine line between cultivating healthy habits and potentially falling into the trap of excessive control. Using the example of increasing gym visits, we explore how seemingly positive behaviors can transition into unworkable patterns, adversely affecting one's well-being and daily functioning.

The conversation begins with myself highlighting the commonality of individuals engaging in activities like going to the gym to improve their well-being. However, we dissect the potential shift from a healthy habit to a controlling behavior. The dialogue emphasizes the importance of recognizing when a behavior becomes unworkable, considering its impact on various aspects of life.

Dan acknowledges the challenge of pinpointing the exact moment when a behavior crosses the line, emphasizing the subjective nature of such evaluations. Dan introduces the concept of workability, suggesting that behaviors need to be assessed based on their impact on one's ability to function effectively in different aspects of life.

The narrative explores a hypothetical scenario where excessive gym sessions lead to exhaustion, affecting an individual's performance at work. Dan argues that, in this case, the behavior becomes unworkable, especially if the individual is not a competitive athlete with specific training requirements. This prompts a series of questions about the workability of behaviors and the need to strike a balance between personal satisfaction and the potential pitfalls of excessive control.


My name is Byron Phillips and I run Datrysiad Media.

Datrysiad Media is a video production company based in Cardiff. We help businesses with their pain problems and communicate their stories.

We are a full-service video production that can handle every aspect of the video production process. Creating high-quality video content that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations.


Podcast - Prevention is Better than Cure - With Daniel Farmer @ Anxious To Zen

Welcome to our first episode of our podcast! I'm Byron Phillips, your host from Datrysiad Media, and today we have a special guest, Daniel Farmer, the brilliant mind behind Anxious to Zen.

In this episode, we take you behind the scenes of our collaborative journey in producing impactful video content for Dan's organisation.

Dan, the founder of Anxious to Zen, shares insights into his mission of teaching psychological flexibility to employees, emphasising its crucial role in navigating life's challenges. We delve into the nuances of our content creation process, from blogs to videos, shedding light on the meticulous script development and the essence of authenticity in delivery.

The conversation unfolds as we dissect the first video, titled "Prevention is Better Than Cure," exploring the profound concepts of psychological flexibility and ACT techniques.

Dan opens up about his personal experiences that led him to establish Anxious to Zen, intertwining his narrative with the groundbreaking work of Stephen Hayes.

Join us for a candid discussion on anxiety, the challenges of information overload in the 21st century, and the transformative power of ACT techniques. This episode offers a sneak peek into the dynamic collaboration between Datrysiad Media and Anxious to Zen, promising valuable insights and behind-the-scenes anecdotes. Stay tuned for an engaging and enlightening conversation!


Navigating Life's Challenges

Dan and myself engage in a candid discussion about the inevitable nature of life's trials. Dan emphasizes that encountering pain is an intrinsic part of the human experience, whether stemming from loss, relationship endings, or ongoing workplace pressures. These stressors often manifest as procrastination, fear, and anxiety, with the potential to lead to absenteeism.

Throughout the conversation, Dan delves into the impact of accumulated stress on our mental well-being, highlighting how it can narrow our focus and foster inflexible thinking. He suggests that individuals often fixate on perceived problems rather than seeking practical solutions. Moreover, Dan encourages listeners to discern between meaningful concerns and transient thoughts, emphasizing the importance of recognizing that not all thoughts are inherently valuable or helpful.

From Personal Struggle to Passionate Teaching: A Journey with Anxiety and ACT

Dan reflects on their journey from personal struggle to passionate teaching, particularly focusing on their experience with severe anxiety. I acknowledge that everyone has faced challenging moments, prompting Dan to share what specifically led them to establish a business and why they are fervently dedicated to teaching others.

Dan reveals that their profound anxiety from a young age drove them to internalize negative stories and narratives created by their own mind. As they bought into these narratives, withdrawal from various aspects of life and avoidance of challenges became a pattern. This led to a shrinking social circle and the loss of friendships.

The turning point occurred when Dan discovered Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Applying ACT principles to their own life allowed them to break free from the constricting patterns. Dan describes the experience as inflating a deflated balloon, expanding their life into areas they thought were closed off. Despite investing considerable time and money in therapy with limited success, ACT emerged as the transformative solution.

Dan expresses a firm belief in the importance of learning these principles, emphasizing that ACT has been the most effective tool in their personal growth journey. Their story highlights the potential for overcoming anxiety and challenges through practices like ACT, inspiring others to explore similar avenues for personal development.

Unraveling Thought Patterns: Stephen Hayes' Influence on Behavior and Cognition

In this discussion centered around Stephen Hayes, Dan elaborates on the connection between Hayes' groundbreaking work in relational frame theory and their own pursuits. Hayes' work focuses on how language and cognition contribute to thought patterns, creating neural networks that influence behavior.

Dan emphasizes the relevance of Hayes' work in the 21st century, particularly in the context of information overload from sources like social media and the 24-hour news cycle. They highlight the human tendency to negatively interpret information, leading to spirals of negative thinking that result in specific behaviors such as avoidance, procrastination, and anxiety about existential concerns beyond one's control.

Drawing on Hayes' insights, Dan advocates for a more effective approach to managing these concerns. They discuss the application of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) techniques to cultivate awareness when caught up in negative thinking. Additionally, they underscore the use of specific ACT techniques to reorient oneself towards what truly matters in life.

The conversation sheds light on how Hayes' research provides valuable tools for navigating the challenges posed by contemporary information overload, offering a better way to manage thoughts and behaviors, ultimately leading to a more meaningful and purposeful life.

Taming the Inner Drumbeat: Understanding Anxiety and Acceptance

We explore the human tendency to worry about countless scenarios with no actual consequences, drawing attention to the common saying that reflects on the futility of such concerns. They delve into the evolutionary roots of this negativity bias, emphasizing its necessity in primitive times for survival. However, Dan notes that in the modern era, this bias becomes overwhelming due to the sheer volume of information inundating individuals.

The conversation touches on the intuitive response to uncomfortable information – the desire to push it away and avoid uncomfortable emotions. Dan likens this process to a subconscious monkey banging a drum to draw attention to potential threats. Here, the speaker introduces techniques within Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) that enable individuals to befriend the metaphorical monkey on their shoulder.

By practicing these ACT techniques, the drumming becomes softer, quieter, and eventually fades away. The ultimate result is a diminished engagement with unhelpful thought patterns. Dan suggests that making friends with discomfort and acknowledging anxious thoughts can lead to a more peaceful mental state, highlighting the transformative power of acceptance in navigating the challenges posed by the incessant drumbeat of worry.

Breaking Barriers: The Evolution of Mental Health Awareness in the Workplace

Dan sheds light on the prevailing challenges within organisations regarding mental health and the shifting perspectives that are gradually taking place. They highlight a common stance held by some organizations, emphasizing a detachment from employees' mental health challenges, focusing solely on work tasks. This rigid mentality, Dan notes, may hinder the potential for improved work quality through addressing mental health issues.

The conversation underscores the changing landscape within organizations, where there's a growing recognition of the interconnectedness between mental health and overall productivity. Dan expresses optimism that evolving attitudes will lead to the fruition of efforts aimed at promoting mental well-being in the workplace.

The discussion then shifts to the versatility of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), describing it as trans-diagnostic. Dan emphasizes ACT's focus on the present and the future, as it acknowledges the past as immutable. They highlight the empowering aspect of ACT, enabling individuals from diverse backgrounds to learn and apply the same techniques in a group setting. This inclusivity extends to those concurrently undergoing therapy for past traumas, positioning ACT as a supportive tool on their personal journeys.

Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of breaking down organizational barriers to mental health and emphasizes the adaptability and inclusivity of ACT in fostering a healthier and more supportive workplace environment.

Navigating the Authenticity Challenge: Behind the Scenes of Podcast Creation

In this candid conversation, We share our experiences as newcomers to podcasting, addressing the challenges we encountered in aligning their recorded personas with their authentic selves. Dan acknowledges the initial discomfort of being recorded, a sensation gradually overcome as they settled into the podcasting environment.

We reflect on the disconnect they felt during the initial recording, attributing it to scripted language and formal attire that didn't resonate with their personality. The realization prompted adjustments, emphasizing a more conversational tone and relaxed attire to foster a genuine connection with their audience.

The discussion delves into the complexity of content creation, extending beyond technical aspects to encompass personal expectations and the challenge of presenting an authentic self. The importance of avoiding a stark contrast between online and offline personas is emphasized, as it could lead to a perceived lack of genuineness.

We agree that, sharing our own concerns about the disparity between self-perception and the image presented in recordings. They highlight the common phenomenon of people being unaware of their behavior until they witness it through recordings, drawing parallels to reality TV shows where participants gain insights by watching themselves.

We acknowledge the time-consuming process of finding a balance between authenticity and the limitations of public presentation. We hope that the adjustments made will result in a more genuine representation of our personalities in future podcast episodes. We hope to provide a glimpse into the introspective journey of aligning one's recorded self with their true identity.

Crafting Authentic Conversations: Navigating the Learning Curve in Content Creation

We delve into the process of refining their podcasting approach, emphasising the significance of aligning the scripted content with their genuine personalities. I commend Dan for his initial performance, revealing that it took a keen observation to identify subtle nuances that didn't align with the Dan’s true self.

We underscore the learning curve inherent in content creation, emphasising the importance of being flexible and open to the possibility that the first attempt may not perfectly capture one's authentic style. We advocate for a willingness to iterate, recognising that the journey involves discovering a formula that allows for repeatable success.

We express satisfaction with the evolving process, acknowledging the benefit of having a structured approach that facilitates future content creation. We touch on the challenges of talking to a camera, humourously describing the feeling of being a "schizophrenic" conversing with multiple personalities, a sentiment likely shared by many content creators.

Dan expresses gratitude for the supportive setup around them, attributing the positive progress to the conducive environment. The candid exchange provides insights into the iterative nature of content creation, highlighting the importance of embracing the learning process and gradually honing a formula that aligns with one's authentic self.

Nostalgia and Parenting Humor: A Chat on Children's TV and Parenthood

In this lighthearted conversation, we share our experiences with daytime TV and children's shows, sparking a humorous exchange about the joys and challenges of parenting.

Dan expresses a fondness for Hey Dougie, particularly praising a YouTube video where the character teaches children about brushing their teeth. They humorously admit to relying on such content to encourage their two-year-old to brush his teeth willingly.

The conversation takes a nostalgic turn as I reflects on missing the stage when I would visit Tesco with my son and he would describe everyday things with childlike wonder. I fondly recall my son’s broken English, which added a touch of charm. We express a sense of loss as their child has grown older and become more independent, lamenting the days when they could easily influence their choices.

Some banter about the challenges of parenting, joking about selling their children on Facebook Marketplace (in jest), only to discover that selling livestock is prohibited. The humor continues as they playfully reference the age-old advice of never working with children or animals, poking fun at the unpredictable nature of both.

The banter concludes with a playful mention of having a cage on standby, humorously suggesting it's for my protection in case Dan goes wild.


My name is Byron Phillips and I run Datrysiad Media.

Datrysiad Media is a video production company based in Cardiff. We help businesses with their pain problems and communicate their stories.

We are a full-service video production that can handle every aspect of the video production process. Creating high-quality video content that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations.


From Ordinary to Extraordinary: Green Screens for Content Success


Not all business owners / content creators have the space to create a nice backdrop to host their videos for social media, regardless of platform.

It begs the question, well what’s next?

Well your next option is to hire a venue, but this incurs regular hiring cost and availability issues.




The requirement for quality and consistency with budget in mind.

A client we are working with is facing the same issues, they want to create consistent high-quality content that represents them as a brand and who they are as a person. The saving grace here is the humble green screen. This technique is not new and has been around for quite some time, however, it can help provide the consistency, availability.

A green screen empowers businesses and content creators with the freedom to overcome certain physical limitations. It's a cost-effective and versatile tool that opens a world of creative possibilities. With a green screen, you can instantly transport your audience to any location or setting, all from the comfort of your own space.

So, what is a green screen and how can it help?

A green screen, also known as a chroma key screen, is a key tool in filmmaking and video production. It's a solid green or blue background used during filming, which can be replaced with other images or backgrounds during the editing process.

The primary purpose of a green screen is to separate the subject (usually actors or objects) from the background, allowing for the integration of different visual elements into the scene. This technique is known as chroma keying. 

Business owners can take advantage of green screens in various ways to enhance their marketing and communication strategies:

  1. Professional Video Production: Green screens allow businesses to create high-quality, professional video content without the need for elaborate sets. This can be used for promotional videos, training materials, product demonstrations, and more.

  2. Flexibility and Creativity: Green screens offer the flexibility to change backgrounds at will, making it easier to convey different settings, moods, or themes in a video. Businesses can customise their video content to suit their brand or message.

  3. Cost-Effective: Using a green screen can be a cost-effective alternative to shooting on location or building intricate sets. It saves time and money while still delivering visually appealing results.

  4. Consistency: Businesses can ensure brand consistency by using green screens for video marketing. The same background, branding elements, or messaging can be maintained across various videos, creating a unified look and feel.

Armed with our understanding of the green screen its important to remember that the best results come from those who put the most effort in. Whilst green screen in its concept is simple in practice, we still need to do our due diligence in making sure that the key components are right so that we get the best consistent result.


The two YouTube videos below are one we created for the client and the second discusses how we helped the client from start to finish. Both videos use green screen.



To harness the basic potential of a green screen, it's essential to grasp the following critical aspects:

These foundational principles of green screen are the stepping stones to creating content that captivates and impresses. Keep in mind that the devil is in the details, and the more meticulous you are, the more spectacular your final product will be. These foundational principles of green screen are the stepping stones to creating content that captivates and impresses. Keep in mind that the devil is in the details, and the more meticulous you are, the more spectacular your final product will be.

Proper Lighting

Achieving a seamless green screen effect hinges on impeccable lighting. The green screen itself should be bathed in consistent, even illumination, distinct from the lighting for the actor. This separation of lighting ensures that during post-production, the green background can be effortlessly removed, leaving room for creative enhancements.

Actor's Lighting

Simultaneously, the actor must receive well-thought-out lighting, independent of the green screen. This arrangement is pivotal in preventing any harsh shadows from the actor that might compromise the quality of the keying process. By carefully controlling the actor's lighting, you can ensure they seamlessly blend into the virtual world you're creating.

Maintaining Distance

To avoid any spill of green light onto the actor, it's advisable to position the actor at a minimum distance of 5-10 feet from the green screen. This spacing serves a dual purpose: it minimizes the risk of green reflections on the actor and mitigates any shadows the actor might cast on the green background. The result is a cleaner and more professional-looking final product.

Post-Production Mastery

In your video editing software, you'll wield the power to select and remove the green colour, effectively creating a mask. This mask allows you to seamlessly replace the green background with your chosen images or videos, turning your creative vision into a reality.

 However, we are taking this further and create a sense of realism.

Now, having grasped the essentials of green screen, let's delve into how we are transforming our clients' visions and how you can seamlessly integrate this remarkable tool into your business. Our journey begins with understanding your business, its core functions, the content you aim to craft, and the ultimate purpose behind it. Furthermore, we explore the emotions, ambiance, and visual aesthetics you wish to convey to your audience.

Imagine, for instance, you aspire to create a tranquil setting. For one of our recent clients, this vision came to life in a serene office overlooking a pristine beach. Our secret ingredient? Artificial Intelligence.

Here's the prompt we employed to generate the perfect image:

Prompt: “Tranquil background. We are in a rustic office. Tungsten lighting wall lights and lamps. Back wall has big windows, and it is looking out to the beach on a sunny day. 85mm camera lens. Viewpoint is 3 meters inside the room looking out. Sun light is 5600 kelvin --ar 16:9


Once we've found the ideal image, we move on to the crucial aspect of lighting. After all, there's nothing worse than a green screen subject that feels out of place.

To address this, we meticulously examine the lighting within the chosen image, considering the source of light, the types of lighting fixtures used, the colour temperature, and the interplay of light and shadows.

Our goal is to harmonise the lighting for your subject with the background, ensuring that the two seamlessly blend during post-production. This cohesiveness not only enhances the visual appeal but also communicates your commitment to delivering top-notch quality to your audience.



After the hustle and bustle of the on-set production, as cameras wrap up their work and clients fulfil their roles, the magic of post-production comes into play. At Datrysiad Media, our tool of choice for this intricate process is Davinci Resolve Studio, a software that excels in the art of compositing and editing.


Our journey in post-production begins by addressing the green screen footage. Our meticulous attention on set pays off at this stage, as we strive to minimise any green screen spill or bleeding that might occur. This preparatory step ensures that our raw material is as clean as possible before we dive into the editing suite.

With the green screen successfully keyed out, we embark on the exciting phase of replacing the vacant backdrop with the AI-selected image. However, even with impeccable on-set preparation, there's still a need to fine-tune the final composition.


To achieve a harmonious and cohesive result, we align the exposure of both the subject and the background. This involves adjustments to colour temperature, saturation, contrast, and other essential parameters to create a seamless fusion.



But our commitment to perfection doesn't stop there. To add a layer of authenticity and depth, we replicate the natural phenomenon known as depth of field. In films and television series, this technique is employed to direct the audience's focus, creating a realistic visual experience.

Just as our eyes naturally adjust focus, so does our camera lens. Consequently, when a subject is in focus, the background should appear slightly blurred. We also add additional blending techniques, soft light to help light wrap around the subject from the environment, film grain and other subtle touches to help make a great image.



After all the elements have fallen into place 

Our clients find themselves with a video setting that's not just visually impressive, but a true representation of their business and personal brand. This consistent approach isn't just about producing videos; it's a transformative journey towards achieving your unique business goals. It's worth noting that the first video always takes a bit more time and effort. It's in this initial step where we lay the foundation for what will eventually become your content template. This is where the magic happens, setting the stage for a future of limitless possibilities.


The ultimate outcome is liberation from the constraints of your home or office space. With your newfound creative environment, you can precisely craft the visual atmosphere you want your viewers to experience. More importantly, you'll have content that you can take pride in, content that tells your story and captures your audience's imagination. This journey isn't just about creating videos; it's about creating your brand's identity. It's about leaving a lasting impression, connecting with your audience, and achieving your business objectives. By embracing the power of this creative process, you unlock the ability to shape your narrative, influence your audience, and showcase your business in the best possible light.


So, as you embark on this path, remember that the first video may be the most challenging, but it's the cornerstone upon which you'll build a wealth of engaging content. With each video, you refine your approach, align your branding, and elevate your business to new heights. Your creative journey is a transformative one, and the possibilities are boundless. If you're intrigued by the concept of the green screen and how it can help your business, then it's time to explore Datrysiad Media, we're here to guide you. Contact us today to delve deeper and discover how this approach can elevate your business, maximise your ideas, and provide lasting value in the ever-evolving landscape of digital content.


My name is Byron Phillips and I run Datrysiad Media.

Datrysiad Media is a video production company based in Cardiff. We help businesses with their pain problems and communicate their stories.

We are a full-service video production that can handle every aspect of the video production process. Creating high-quality video content that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations.


Helping A to Z: Anxious to Zen (ish) reach a wider audience

I first crossed paths with Dan during a Zokit network meeting. Having attended these gatherings for about two months now, I've found them incredibly valuable. Sharing experiences with fellow business owners makes the world feel smaller and less isolating. I felt a deep connection with Dan's cause, having dealt with similar issues myself. I was eager to support him in spreading his message.

Our initial goal was to understand Dan's business and his overarching objectives. It became evident that Dan had created a foundation with broad appeal, not only to businesses but also to the wider public who could benefit from his expertise. This understanding laid the groundwork for creating exceptional content.


Dan is the founder of "A to Z: Anxious to Zen (ish)," a business dedicated to assisting companies with employees suffering from anxiety and stress.

These conditions often lead to sick leave, resulting in substantial financial losses for businesses.

Dan's mission is to support employees facing these challenges, helping companies maintain a healthy workforce and prevent staff losses due to ill health.





However, before diving into content creation, we took a step back. It was crucial to comprehend who Dan is, why he's pursuing this path, and what his core values are to sustain his business. We needed to bridge the gap between how Dan wants to be perceived and how the public sees him. This foundation was essential to maintain authenticity in our content creation.

Businesses that waver on their core beliefs often appear disingenuous.

Over the course of 3-5 in-person or Zoom conversations, we focused solely on understanding Dan and his business, we never mentioned video production or content details. These discussions are aimed to build a solid and unchanging foundation.

Only then did we delve into content types. I firmly believe that time-strapped businesses should be kind to themselves and avoid overwhelming content creation. That's why I proposed a content ecosystem.

Creating a Content Ecosystem

Businesses are seeking innovative ways to not only capture attention but to create a lasting impact. For this we have created the Datrysiad Media Ecosystem, a comprehensive package offering fantastic value to our clients. At its core, this ecosystem transforms the concept of content creation, providing our client with a powerful trifecta:

  1. A dynamic blog

  2. Engaging social media video

  3. Insightful podcasts, all centered around a singular theme,

Holistic Content Approach

For Dan, this started with the subject, "Prevention is better than cure." The Datrysiad Media Ecosystem is not just a collection of disparate content; it's a carefully curated strategy designed to maximise the reach and resonance of our client's message. By focusing on the central theme of "Prevention is better than cure," we create a unified narrative that seamlessly threads through the blog, social media videos, and podcasts. This holistic approach ensures that each piece of content complements and reinforces the others, providing a comprehensive and immersive experience for the audience.

Evergreen Content for Enduring Impact

One of the key advantages of the Datrysiad Media Ecosystem is its ability to produce evergreen content. By delving into a timeless theme like prevention, we are not just creating content for the present; we're crafting a narrative that remains relevant and valuable over time. This ensures that our client's investment in content creation is not fleeting but a strategic, long-term asset that consistently delivers value for money.

Blog: In-Depth Exploration

At the core of our ecosystem is our blog, where we delve into the nuances of prevention. This blog is pivotal to establishing our client as a reliable figure in the field, offering practical insights and tips. Essentially, the written content forms the backbone, providing substance and credibility to the entire ecosystem.

Blogs play a crucial role by exploring prevention topics in-depth. Through these articles, we aim to showcase our client's expertise and position them as a trustworthy source. Where we dive deep into the subject of prevention. We establish our client as an authority in the field, offering valuable insights and actionable tips. This written content serves as the foundation, providing substance and credibility to the entire ecosystem.

The impact of our blog content goes beyond just sharing knowledge. It contributes to our digital strategy, enhancing our search engine visibility and attracting organic traffic. Engaging content not only keeps our current audience interested but also has the potential to reach new audiences, expanding our client's influence online

Social Media Video: Visual Impact

To amplify our client's message, we strategically leverage the visual power of social media videos, building upon the foundation laid by our insightful blog. The blog serves as the anchor, providing the substantive content that informs the video narrative.

This deliberate integration ensures a seamless connection between written depth and visual impact, allowing our client's content not only to capture immediate attention but also to leave a lasting impression in the dynamic world of social media.

Having originated from our blog, the social media videos are structured to be engaging and shareable. The insights and actionable tips explored in the written content act as a blueprint, guiding the creation of visually compelling narratives. Each video is a distilled extension of the blog, ensuring that the essence of the message is not lost but rather enhanced through dynamic visuals.

This strategic approach transcends the limitations of traditional communication methods, offering a dynamic blend of in-depth knowledge and visual appeal. By aligning our blog content with the engaging structure of social media videos, we not only capture attention quickly but also provide content that is easily consumable and shareable, maximising our client's reach and impact in the ever-evolving landscape of social media. In addition to this we created a number of thumbnails for Dan to choose from, this was created taking imagery from the video, keeping a cohesive theme. People are drawn to faces, and this works well with thumbnails too, so we included Dan. This also helps build brand recognition for Dan’s viewers.

Podcasts: Conversational Depth

Integral to our content ecosystem, podcasts form the third pillar of our strategy, complementing our blog and social media videos. This multimedia approach ensures that we engage our audience through diverse channels, recognising and respecting the varied ways in which individuals consume information.

Consider a podcast episode where we discuss practical applications of prevention strategies with industry experts. The casual yet informative tone creates a bridge between our client and the audience, offering a more personal and accessible experience. This format not only imparts knowledge but also allows listeners to feel like they are a part of an ongoing conversation, building a community around shared interests

In essence, podcasts are a vital component of our holistic content approach, adding a layer of depth and connection that resonates with a wide spectrum of audiences. They go beyond information delivery, creating an immersive experience that strengthens the relationship between our client and their community.


Transforming Content Creation

The Datrysiad Media Ecosystem represents a shift in content creation offering. By strategically intertwining a blog, social media videos, and podcasts around a central theme, we create a synergistic approach that resonates with audiences on multiple levels. In the world of digital marketing, where attention is fleeting, this ecosystem stands as a testament to the enduring power of a well-crafted, integrated content strategy. With "Prevention is better than cure" at its core, our client's content not only delivers immediate impact but lays the foundation for a sustained and influential online presence.


In the ever-evolving landscape of digital content, making a lasting impression is paramount for businesses aiming to stand out.

When working with Dan, the goal of creating compelling and consistent video content without the constraints of location, we found the perfect solution: the green screen.

Reflecting Professionalism in Every Frame

While a home setting was considered, our client was passionate about maintaining a professional image that truly reflected the essence of their business. The green screen allowed us to create a controlled environment where the focus remained on the content, free from the distractions that may accompany a home setting. This decision ensured that the professionalism of the business was preserved, and the backdrop – carefully chosen to align with the brand – became a consistent, polished element in every frame.


One of the primary reasons we opted for a green screen was to provide our client with a cost-effective alternative to traditional location shooting.

Renting a suitable location can be both financially burdensome and logistically challenging, often requiring meticulous scheduling that may not align with the demands of a busy business.

By embracing the green screen, we eliminated the need for external venues, enabling us to focus on what truly matters – the content itself.


Unlike fixed locations, a green screen studio provides unparalleled flexibility in scheduling.

Our client could record content at their convenience without being bound by the constraints of external venues or the unpredictable nature of outdoor shoots.

This flexibility not only saves time but ensures that the content creation process aligns seamlessly with the client's busy schedule, allowing for efficient and timely production.


The ability to select a customised background for each video was a crucial factor in our decision to use a green screen.

We meticulously chose a backdrop that seamlessly integrated with the client's brand, ensuring that every video exuded the identity and values of the business.

This tailored approach not only enhances visual appeal but also contributes to a cohesive and recognizable brand presence across all content.

In the realm of content creation, strategic choices can make all the difference. Our decision to utilise a green screen was driven by a desire to offer our client a versatile, cost-effective, and professional solution. By doing so, we not only met but exceeded our client's expectations, delivering content that captivates audiences while maintaining the integrity of their brand. The green screen, with its adaptability and flexible features, has proven to be a key asset in elevating our client's business image.


The strength of our ecosystem lies in its connectivity. Links weave through the Blog, Social Media Video, and Podcast, forming a straightforward network of information.

Our content ecosystem centered around a simple yet profound message that the client wants use to deliver – "Prevention Is Better Than Cure."

What we delivered:

  1. Blog post - “Prevention Is Better Than Cure”

  2. Social Media Video - “Prevention Is Better Than Cure”

    1. Social media video split into different section, each section also highlighting that its part of a series.

  3. Pod Cast - “Prevention Is Better Than Cure: Breaking down A to Z First Content Video”

    1. Pod cast was also split into 5 different videos, each representing a contained video on its own

  4. 15 base copy for LinkedIn posts


It's about accessibility. We break down our core content into easily digestible Social Media Posts. These standalone posts share value, featuring visuals from the blog or snippets from the main video or podcast. Each post holds its own value, encouraging viewers to explore further.

Links within these posts guide the audience back to the source – whether it's the in-depth Blog Post, the visually simple Social Media Video, or the thought-provoking Podcast Episode.

This isn't flashy content; it's a practical, living ecosystem that extends into the online space.

Why a Content Schedule Matters for Evergreen Content

Evergreen content is content that remains relevant and valuable to your audience over time. To maximise the impact of evergreen content, a well-structured content schedule is essential.


  1. Firstly, it ensures consistency. Regular posting keeps your audience engaged and expecting new content. By following a schedule, you can strategically distribute your content to reach your target audience at optimal times.

  2. Secondly, a schedule allows you to re purpose and promote your evergreen content effectively. In Dan's case, we aim to create multiple pieces of content from a single idea. By scheduling these pieces strategically, we ensure that each article and video gets its time in the spotlight. This staggered approach keeps your content fresh and continuously exposes it to new audiences.

  3. Thirdly, a schedule helps with audience retention and engagement. By spreading content over time, you maintain a steady flow of information, keeping your audience interested and coming back for more. This is crucial for building a loyal following.

  4. Finally, it reduces the burden of content creation. Instead of constantly brainstorming new ideas, you focus on a few key concepts and re purpose them into various formats and posts. This approach reduces content creation fatigue and allows you to concentrate on crafting high-quality, in-depth content.

To illustrate the importance of a content schedule, consider Dan's LinkedIn posting plan:

This schedule front-loads the campaign and then spaces out posts throughout the year. It ensures consistent engagement without overwhelming the audience.

Days 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 13, 32, 62, 99, 137, 176, 215, 253, 326, 365

Moreover, when considering multiple social media platforms (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn profile page, LinkedIn business page, YouTube, and TikTok), a well-structured schedule multiplies the impact of evergreen content. In Dan's case, adopting a multi-platform approach would result in 270 posts, spreading his message throughout the year, providing flexibility in content creation while maintaining a strong and continuous online presence.

Elevate Your Business with Datrysiad Media Ecosystem

The quest for meaningful and enduring impact is constant. At Datrysiad Media, we've not only recognized this need but have pioneered a transformative solution – the Datrysiad Media Ecosystem. It's more than just a package; it's a strategic approach that propels businesses into a realm of perpetual relevance and investment value.

The heart of our business philosophy lies in the belief that ideas should not be fleeting; they should be evergreen. The Datrysiad Media Ecosystem is not just a content creation package; it's a promise of sustained value for our clients. By weaving together the intricate threads of a compelling blog, visually arresting social media videos, and intimate podcasts, we create a tapestry of content that stands the test of time.

Ready to Transform Your Content Strategy? Let's Talk!

If you're intrigued by the concept of evergreen content that not only captures attention today but continues to do so tomorrow and beyond, it's time to explore the Datrysiad Media Ecosystem. Whether you're a business seeking a content revolution or an entrepreneur eager to maximize the potential of your ideas, we're here to guide you.

Contact us today to delve deeper into the Datrysiad Media Ecosystem and discover how this innovative approach can elevate your business, maximize your ideas, and provide lasting value in the ever-evolving landscape of digital content.

Your ideas deserve to be timeless. Let's make it happen together.


My name is Byron Phillips and I run Datrysiad Media.

Datrysiad Media is a video production company based in Cardiff. We help businesses with their pain problems and communicate their stories.

We are a full-service video production that can handle every aspect of the video production process. Creating high-quality video content that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations.


Purple Shoots 10th Anniversary Celebration


In the realm of business, every milestone, every achievement, and every journey is an epic tale waiting to be told. I've had the privilege of collaborating with Purple Shoots for some time now, and as we stand on the cusp of their 10th anniversary on October 20th, the atmosphere is electric with excitement. It's a celebration, yes, but it's also a poignant reminder of the profound impact that capturing important moments in a business's life journey can have.

The journey of a business is not merely a sequence of events and milestones. It's a narrative of dreams, resilience, and the relentless pursuit of a vision. It's a testament to the people who pour their hearts and souls into making it a reality. Capturing these moments is not just about preserving memories; it's about honoring the dedication, the passion, and the unwavering commitment that make these businesses thrive.

As we approach Purple Shoots' remarkable 10th anniversary, we are drawn to reflect on the profound impact this organisation has had. Purple Shoots, for a decade, has been a beacon of empowerment, lighting the way for countless individuals and groups to turn their aspirations into thriving enterprises. The ripple effect of their support has transformed lives, opened doors to opportunities, and empowered communities.

Purple Shoots' Message

Join Purple Shoots in celebrating a decade of empowerment, where we've enabled countless individuals and groups to achieve their dreams through enterprise. Come together with our thriving small businesses and groups to celebrate our accomplishments and embrace the exciting future that lies ahead!

At the heart of it all, this event is not just a celebration; it's a heartfelt tribute to the dreams that became realities, to the individuals who dared to defy odds, and to the spirit of resilience that propels us forward. It's a reminder that, in the world of business, each milestone is a chapter in an ever-evolving story. Join us as we embark on this extraordinary journey, and together, we'll capture and cherish the moments that have shaped Purple Shoots and the lives it has touched.



Weaving the Narrative with Speeches

The heart of any event lies in the words spoken, the stories shared, and the emotions conveyed. To truly impart the feeling of how Purple Shoots has impacted countless lives over the last ten years, we meticulously selected the most compelling segments from the speeches.

Our approach was simple: we let the voices of those who have directly benefited from Purple Shoots' support take center stage. The speeches were like individual chapters, each narrating a unique journey of empowerment. From heartfelt anecdotes to inspiring testimonials, we handpicked the moments that resonated the most.


Infusing Impactful Facts

But we didn't stop there. Facts are the backbone of any compelling narrative. Throughout the video, we sprinkled powerful statistics and milestones achieved during Purple Shoots' journey.

These numbers weren't mere data; they were the undeniable evidence of change, growth, and progress. Whether it was the number of businesses launched, jobs created, or dreams fulfilled, each statistic served as a testament to the incredible impact Purple Shoots has had on individuals and communities.

The numbers weren't just digits; they were symbols of hope, potential, and transformation.

B-Roll: A Glimpse into the Night

To make the video even more immersive, we incorporated carefully curated B-Roll footage from the event itself. These were not just random shots; they were glimpses into the vibrant energy of the evening. We captured smiles, handshakes, and the shared sense of achievement, all unfolding in real time.

The B-Roll added depth and dimension to the video, allowing the audience to not just witness the event but to feel like they were a part of it. It was the bridge that connected the speeches and statistics to the living, breathing celebration that took place on that special night.




Crafting a Story of Empowerment

In the end, what we achieved was more than a highlight video; it was a narrative of empowerment. Through the words of the speakers, the power of the facts, and the magic of the B-Roll, we wove a story of impact, growth, and hope. The Purple Shoots highlight video isn't just a recap; it's an embodiment of a mission fulfilled. It's a celebration of dreams realised, businesses flourishing, and lives transformed. It's a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the remarkable journey of Purple Shoots.

With every frame, every word, and every statistic, we aimed to leave a lasting impression of the extraordinary work Purple Shoots does, and the lives they've touched over the past decade. It's not just a video; it's a tribute to the power of empowerment.

Client's Expectations

Our client has a clear vision for what they want from this event. They're looking forward to receiving a highlight reel of the night, mini-interviews with the attendees, any usable B-Roll footage, photos of staff, and captivating soundbites from this exceptional evening.

Event Schedule

  • Here's a breakdown of how the evening is planned:

  • Start Time: 18:30 PM

  • Chatting / Mingling – Opportunity for Mini-Interviews

  • Dinner: 19:00 PM (Estimated)

  • Presentation: 8:00 PM (Featuring 2-3 speakers, approximately 20 minutes)

  • Chatting / Mingling - Chance for Mini-Interviews

  • End Time: 21:00 PM

Understanding the event schedule is vital for precise planning. It ensures that we're prepared for each moment, from mingling to the presentation. Flexibility is key, as even the best-laid plans can change on event nights, but we'll aim to stay within the boundaries of our initial contract.


To prepare for this event, we did some location scouting to help give us an idea on the best places where we can position the cameras. We used our trusty Insta360 Camera, which became invaluable.

For this event, we'll have two static cameras covering the presentation. We'll strategically position them using the triangle approach: one at the back for a wide shot, one on either side, and a handheld camera on the opposite side. All cameras will be synchronized with time code to streamline post-editing. We fetched in a main key light. We placed this to the right of the stage and had all cameras looking from the left.

This is called shooting into the shadow, and it gives more depth and dimension to the final image.







Capturing Candid Moments

Before the presentation, there's a dinner and mingling session. We aim to capture candid moments and soundbites from attendees, preferably at the start of the evening when guests are fresh. This shows respect for their time, especially if they have family commitments later.

Audio Equipment is Vital

In media production, audio quality is paramount. We won't rely on the venue's audio equipment to mitigate risks effectively. Instead, we'll use lavaliere microphones on each speaker, a backup recorder on the podium, and tap into the venue's sound system if available. Multiple audio sources are essential to ensure a flawless final product.

Now, we take every possible step to guarantee multiple sources of recording. However, we understand that even the best equipment can falter in the face of unexpected venue technical difficulties. The venue experienced unforeseen audio challenges. Perhaps it was a glitch in the sound system, an unexpected interference, or a momentary lapse in clarity.

These issues can undoubtedly impact the quality of the audio recording. Due to venue issues, the audio recording didn’t meet the standards we set for ourselves and needed a little love. Perhaps there were disruptions in the form of unwanted noise, inconsistent volume levels, or background disturbances that threatened to mar an otherwise fantastic event.

The venue's technical challenges had initially lowered the audio quality. However, through the application of audio restoration techniques, we were able to transform what could have been a subpar recording into audio that had great clarity.

Sound Bites Setup

For recording soundbites, we'll create a designated area with a locked-off camera. We'll employ a shotgun microphone on the camera and provide a handheld microphone for attendees to speak into and record. The choice between handheld and lavaliere microphones will depend on the attendee's clothing and preferences. Handheld microphones excel at reducing room noise.

On the night itself, not everyone felt comfortable being in front of camera. To manage this we simply had the handheld microphone, found a quiet location and had a chat about what Purple Shoots has meant for them. These where later put together in the similar fashion to the video here.


When it comes to preserving the essence and excitement of your special moments, nothing beats the power of video. At Datrysiad Media, we understand the unique value that video can add to your events.

Datrysiad Media specialises in unobtrusive, natural event coverage. We blend into the background, allowing your event to unfold organically, while we skillfully capture all the details. The result is a video that feels as though it was made effortlessly, yet it encapsulates every special moment, from the grand gestures to the subtle expressions.

Here's why we believe video is the perfect medium for capturing your unforgettable occasions:

  • Video allows us to tell a story like no other medium. It's a dynamic canvas that captures not only the visual beauty but also the emotions, the sounds, and the spirit of your event. When you look back on your video, it's not just a recording; it's a narrative that transports you back to that very moment.

  • Video is easily shareable, making it a fantastic tool to extend the reach of your event. Your audience can be global, and sharing snippets or highlights on social media can create buzz and excitement, both during and after the event.

So, if you're looking to have your event recorded in a way that captures its true essence and offers a journey back in time, Datrysiad Media has you covered. We'd love to be part of your event and work our magic behind the lens.

Get in touch with us, and let's discuss how we can help your next event in the most natural way possible. Your story is waiting to be told through our lens.


Please inquire and we will see how we can help capture your next event.


My name is Byron Phillips and I run Datrysiad Media.

Datrysiad Media is a video production company based in Cardiff. We help businesses with their pain problems and communicate their stories.

We are a full-service video production that can handle every aspect of the video production process. Creating high-quality video content that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations.


The Power of Face-to-Face Networking: Building Long-Lasting Business Relationships

South Wales Business Expo

In today's hyper-connected world, where digital communication dominates, the significance of face-to-face networking might seem diminished. However, the value of personal connections remains unparalleled when it comes to building long-lasting businesses.

The South Wales Business Expo, hosted by Zokit, is a perfect example of the tremendous benefits of networking that go beyond just financial gains.

There's an adage that goes, "It's not what you know, but who you know." Networking, the art of connecting with others in your industry, is a vital component of success, and I had the opportunity to witness its importance firsthand as a visitor to the South Wales Business Expo. Armed with my trusty Insta360 X2 camera and some lavalieres, I embarked on a mission to capture the essence of networking through impromptu interviews with exhibitors at the event. These conversations provided personal insights into why networking matters, and why these business professionals had chosen to be a part of the expo.

The South Wales Business Expo served as a vibrant backdrop for these impromptu interviews, offering a glimpse into the lives and minds of exhibitors who understand the profound value of networking. It was evident that the event wasn't just a place to showcase products and services; it was a hub for building connections, fostering relationships, and gaining a deeper understanding of why networking is essential.

Karen Davies - Purple Shoots

Richard Miles - Swansea Building Society



I'd like to extend a heartfelt thank you to those who participated. Not everyone is comfortable in front of the camera, but their willingness to share their thoughts and experiences provided invaluable insights into the world of networking.


1. Building Trust and Credibility

You have a unique opportunity to establish trust and credibility. Meeting someone in person provides the opportunity to make a memorable impression, showcase your personality, and express genuine interest in their business. This authenticity helps to build trust, which is a foundation for long-term business relationships.


2. Genuine Connection

Networking is built on the principle of creating genuine connections. When you meet fellow network group members face-to-face, you can share your experiences, passions, and values, fostering a sense of camaraderie that goes beyond a transactional relationship. These genuine connections can lead to fruitful collaborations and shared insights.

 3. Access to Valuable Resources

Being part of a networking group means you're not just connecting with the people in your weekly meetings; you're tapping into their extensive networks as well. Members may introduce you to others who can provide valuable resources, advice, or opportunities. It's not just about who you know; it's about who they know, and this can be a game-changer for your business.


4. Learning from Others

One of the most underestimated aspects of face-to-face networking within a networking group is the opportunity to learn from others. Every member has a unique perspective and experiences to share. By engaging in meaningful conversations, you can gain valuable insights and advice that can help you avoid pitfalls, make informed decisions, and grow your business more effectively.

Daniel Farmer - Anxious to Zen

Andrea Pugh - CryoSport Recovery

5. Collaboration and Partnerships

Networking is all about fostering collaboration. When you establish strong connections through face-to-face networking within the group, you open doors to potential partnerships and joint ventures. These collaborations can expand your reach, resources, and capabilities, ultimately benefiting your business.


6. Emotional Impact

 As a network group member, your part of a community that values personal relationships. The bonds you create within the group are the foundation for ongoing support and loyalty. In times of adversity, the relationships you've nurtured within groups can provide invaluable emotional and practical assistance, helping you navigate challenges with resilience.


7. Shared Knowledge and Support

Network group members face similar challenges and opportunities. When you attend events and networking meetings with a mindset of providing value and support, you'll often find that others are equally willing to share their insights and knowledge. The mutual exchange of advice can be a powerful asset for growth and learning.

Justin Thomas - Siarp


The South Wales Business Expo hosted by Zokit and similar events offer more than just the potential for financial gains.

They provide a unique opportunity to build relationships within a thriving network of entrepreneurs who understand the power of face-to-face networking.

By focusing on providing value, forming genuine connections, and capturing the essence of these interactions, you are contributing to a vibrant and supportive business community.

So, as you attend networking events, remember that the real currency of these interactions is not the exchange of business cards, but the lasting impact of meaningful relationships within the network.


My name is Byron Phillips and I run Datrysiad Media.

Datrysiad Media is a video production company based in Cardiff. We help businesses with their pain problems and communicate their stories.

We are a full-service video production that can handle every aspect of the video production process. Creating high-quality video content that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations.


The Power of Discipline: Fuelling Your Success Beyond Motivation

Instant Gratification

Our world is driven by instant gratification and the constant pursuit of quick dopamine hits, discipline often takes a backseat to motivation. We've all been there—excited, inspired, and motivated to pursue a new endeavor, only to find ourselves losing steam as the initial rush of enthusiasm wears off.

Unsung Hero

This is where discipline steps in as the unsung hero, guiding us through the long and challenging journey to success. But before we dive into its importance, let's address how discipline has unfairly been categorized and misunderstood over time.

The Misunderstood Nature of Discipline

When we hear the word "discipline," it's often associated with childhood memories of being scolded or punished for misbehavior. Discipline was the stern hand of correction, used to fix what was deemed "bad" behavior.

As we transition from childhood to adulthood, this word can become contorted, taking on a negative connotation or being treated as taboo. But this perception couldn't be further from the truth. Discipline, in its essence, is not a tool for punishment; it's a force for transformation and achievement.

It's not a harsh hand slapping our wrists; it's a steady hand guiding us toward our goals. It's the unwavering commitment to personal growth and self-improvement.



The Fickle Nature of Motivation

Motivation, while valuable, is a fleeting emotion. It's like a spark that ignites a fire but requires constant fueling. Motivation can drive us to start a project or pursue a goal, but it often diminishes when faced with adversity or the monotony of long-term efforts.


Are you the Small Business Owner?

Your initial motivation for creating content was high, driven by your love for baking and the desire to grow your business.

However, as your bakery expanded, your motivation couldn't keep pace with the increasing demands of your business.

Motivation alone wasn't enough to sustain your content creation efforts.

Discipline could have helped by establishing a consistent schedule for content creation, ensuring that even during busy times, you'd set aside dedicated slots for content development.

Are you the Solo Entrepreneur?

You was initially motivated to establish your agency's online presence.

However, as your client base grew, the demands of your business left you with little time or motivation to create content.

Discipline could have helped by setting aside specific hours each week for content creation and treating it as an essential part of his business strategy.

This approach would have ensured that content creation remained a consistent focus even amid a growing workload.

Are you the Full-Time Employee and Aspiring Author?

Highly motivated to share your journey as an aspiring author and help others with your writing.

However, your motivation waned as the demands of your full-time job became more pressing.

In this case, discipline could have acted as a bridge between your passion and your obligations.

A disciplined approach to time management and setting achievable content creation goals, even during busy periods, could have allowed you to maintain your online presence.

Are you the Working Parent and Fitness Enthusiast?

Your motivation stemmed from your passion for fitness and your desire to inspire others.

However, as a working parent with numerous responsibilities, your motivation couldn't overcome the daily challenges you faced.

Discipline could have assisted you by establishing a structured routine that included dedicated time for content creation.

By consistently allocating time for your fitness content, you could have maintained you online presence even when motivation waned.

The Modern Dilemma: Instant Gratification vs. Discipline

Today's our world is based on instant gratification. We're accustomed to quick fixes, immediate results, and the dopamine hits we receive from our smartphones and social media. This instant gratification culture has seeped into our approach to work and personal goals, leaving little room for the sustained effort required to achieve lasting success. Many in Western culture have become addicted to the quick highs, often overlooking the power of discipline in favour of chasing fleeting moments of motivation. It's easy to start a project with enthusiasm but maintaining that momentum through the inevitable challenges and plateaus is where discipline comes into play.

The Realities of the Digital Landscape

In the digital age, where content creation has become more accessible than ever, it's crucial to recognize the realities of the landscape. To put things in perspective, there are:

  • Approximately 114 million active YouTube channels as of 2023.

  • Out of this staggering number, only a fraction, around 321 thousand channels, have managed to amass over 100 thousand subscribers.

  • That's a mere 0.28% of all active channels reaching that milestone.

These statistics highlight a crucial point: the chance of achieving a widely recognized and "big" YouTube channel, defined by subscriber count, is incredibly slim. Relying solely on motivation to drive your content creation journey, with the sole aim of amassing subscribers, is an unrealistic approach. The pursuit of subscriber numbers alone can lead to burnout, disappointment, and a loss of passion.

Content with Meaning: A Shift in Perspective

Instead of fixating on subscriber counts as the ultimate goal, consider shifting your perspective towards creating content that genuinely matters to you and your audience. Your reasons for starting a YouTube channel should go beyond the pursuit of fame or fortune. They should be rooted in your passion, expertise, and the desire to connect with and enrich the lives of those who engage with your content.

  • Focus on creating content that resonates with your audience

  • Adds value to their lives

  • Aligns with your personal or business goals.

Whether you have a hundred subscribers or a hundred thousand, the impact you make on those who engage with your content can be profound. It's about quality over quantity, and the meaningful connections you forge with your audience.

So, while motivation can be a great initial driver, it's discipline and a deeper sense of purpose that will sustain your content creation journey in the long run. Embrace the joy of sharing your passion, knowledge, and creativity, and remember that your impact extends far beyond subscriber numbers. It's not just about the percentage of subscribers; it's about the meaningful impact you have on the lives of those who appreciate your content.


Applying Discipline to Business and Content Creation


Now, let's apply the concept of discipline to the world of business and content creation. Entrepreneurs and content creators often experience the same motivational highs and lows as anyone else. They start their ventures fuelled by passion and ideas but quickly realize that building a successful business or creating valuable content is a long-term endeavour.

Discipline in business means adhering to a strategic plan, consistently working on marketing, customer service, and product development, even when the initial excitement wanes. It's about showing up day after day, putting in the hours, and making incremental progress toward your goals. This discipline is what separates thriving businesses from those that fizzle out.

The Power of Singular Focus: Crafting Excellence

It's easy to fall into the trap of trying to cover too much ground at once. We often find ourselves juggling multiple ideas, scattering our efforts across various topics, and ultimately diluting the quality of our content. But we believe that there's incredible merit in channeling your energy into one idea at a time, nurturing it, and allowing it to flourish, It's a principle we've embraced, and the results have been nothing short of transformative, even if its just from a mental health standpoint.

When we talk about focusing on one idea, we mean taking a deep dive into a subject matter that truly resonates with you and your audience. It's about crafting a content masterpiece—a blog article and a video that not only complement each other but also stand as pillars of knowledge and inspiration.

The Daily Distribution Strategy

Now, here's where the magic happens. Instead of rushing to churn out a multitude of content every day, we take that content masterpiece and dissect it into smaller, digestible pieces. These bite-sized chunks of wisdom become the daily fuel for our audience.

Imagine this: your in-depth blog article and video serve as the nucleus of your content universe. From there, you can extract key insights, snippets, quotes, or actionable tips. Each of these nuggets is a valuable piece of the puzzle, ready to be shared with your audience.

The Merits of Daily Distribution

Why is daily distribution so impactful?

First and foremost, it keeps your audience engaged and hungry for more. By offering daily tidbits of wisdom, you establish a consistent presence in their lives, nurturing a sense of anticipation. Moreover, this approach allows you to maximise the potential of your content masterpiece. Instead of it being a one-time hit, it becomes a wellspring of valuable content that keeps on giving. You can re-purpose, re-frame, and reiterate on those golden nuggets, ensuring that your message reaches far and wide.

Redefining Discipline: Your Ally in Achievement

Let's redefine discipline for what it truly is: a guiding force that empowers us to reach our fullest potential. It's not about punishment; it's about self-mastery. It's the unwavering commitment to personal and professional growth, the determination to persist when motivation falters, and the ability to turn dreams into reality. So, the next time you embark on a new venture or face a challenging project, remember that motivation is just the spark, and discipline is the fire that will keep you burning bright, even in the face of adversity. Embrace discipline as your steadfast companion on the journey to success, and watch as it transforms your dreams into reality. It's time to shed the negative stigma surrounding discipline and recognize it as the invaluable tool it truly is.


My name is Byron Phillips and I run Datrysiad Media.

Datrysiad Media is a video production company based in Cardiff. We help businesses with their pain problems and communicate their stories.

We are a full-service video production that can handle every aspect of the video production process. Creating high-quality video content that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations.



Embrace Growth and Community: Your Business Journey with EVENTS LIKE THE Cardiff Half Marathon

Are you a business owner eager to bolster your business growth and cultivate meaningful connections within your local community? Partnering with local events is a dynamic strategy that can help you achieve both goals simultaneously. In this article, we'll delve into the power of local events and how you can seamlessly integrate your business for maximum impact.

It's no secret that small businesses face challenges. Approximately 60% of small businesses falter within the first three years of operation. Establishing a solid, long-term strategy is vital, and becoming an integral part of your community can be the key to your success.

Today, we're focusing on an exemplary event right in our own backyard: the Cardiff Half Marathon. By aligning your business with local events like this, you not only create opportunities for business growth but also establish a strong presence in your community.


Why Create Video Content for Local Events?

  • Increased Visibility and Exposure: Videos are a powerful medium for grabbing attention. Creating content for local events allows you to showcase your brand to a wider audience, including event attendees, social media followers, and those interested in the event theme.

  • Engagement and Connection: Videos offer a personal touch. They allow you to engage your audience emotionally, tell your story, and establish a strong connection. By creating event-related content, you're tapping into the event's energy and emotions, making your business more relatable.

  • Showcasing Expertise: Videos provide a platform to demonstrate your expertise. Whether you're offering tips, insights, or showcasing your products/services in action, you position your business as a knowledgeable and valuable resource within the event's context.

  • Demonstrating Community Involvement: Participating in local events through video content showcases your business's commitment to the community. It signals that you're not just a business but an active member of the local fabric, reinforcing trust and loyalty.

  • Content Variety and Versatility: Videos offer endless possibilities. You can create event teasers, behind-the-scenes glimpses, interviews, tutorials, testimonials, and much more. This variety keeps your content fresh and engages different segments of your audience.

Let's explore some actionable content ideas that relate to the Cardiff Half Marathon, which not only promote your business but also support the event and the local community.

Event Preparation

Offering valuable advice is a fantastic way to showcase your business's expertise. Create videos providing tips for participants preparing for the half marathon. Share insights on training, nutrition, and what to expect on race day. Seamlessly tie in your products or services that cater to runners' needs, such as sportswear, footwear, energy supplements, or even recovery products.

Participant Interaction

Engaging with participants on a personal level can be a game-changer. Capture interviews with runners before and after the race. Dive into their journeys, preparation, and post-race feelings. This humanises your brand, resonating with those considering participation and showcasing your business as an inspiring force.

Collaborative Videos with Local Gyms or Running Stores

Community collaboration amplifies impact. Partner with local gyms or running stores to co-create engaging content. By showcasing their expertise in marathon preparation, while simultaneously introducing your products aligned with runners' needs, you emphasise the strength of local partnerships and community support.

Behind-the-Scenes Preparations for an Event Booth

If you're planning to set up a booth at the marathon's expo, document the preparation process. Showcase your products or services designed for runners and enthusiasts. This provides a behind-the-scenes glimpse into your dedication to the event and its participants, resonating with your commitment to community engagement.


Community Impact Stories - Supporting Local Charities

Embrace social responsibility by creating a video that highlights your business's contributions to local charities or health-related causes. Showcase how a portion of your sales supports initiatives that align with the Cardiff Half Marathon's values. This demonstrates your commitment to community well-being.


Customer / Business Testimonials - Fitness Journey and Product Usage

Real stories add authenticity. Feature testimonials from customers who have utilised your offerings to prepare for the marathon. Highlight partnerships with other businesses participating in the event. Share the journey, the role your products played, and the positive experiences. These narratives embody your commitment to community support.

Post-Event Recap and Thank You

After the marathon concludes, craft a recap video that not only showcases event highlights but also emphasizes your business's involvement. Express gratitude to participants and the community for their support. This reiterates your connection to the event and its impact on the local community.

Benefits of Partnering with Other Businesses

Incorporating these strategies doesn't just apply to the Cardiff Half Marathon: Remember, these strategies aren't set in stone; they're adaptable to your unique business and the events you're involved in. The magic lies in weaving your brand's story into the event's narrative, while also building genuine connections with your audience and the community. Get creative, stay true to your brand's essence, and watch as your engagement and impact grow.

  • Amplified Reach: When multiple businesses collaborate, they pool their audiences, expanding the reach of their message. Partnering with other businesses for event-related content means reaching not only your audience but also the audiences of your collaborators.

  • Diverse Expertise: Partnering brings together different skill sets and expertise. By collaborating with businesses that complement your offerings, you can provide more comprehensive content that appeals to a wider range of interests.

  • Cost and Resource Sharing: Creating high-quality video content can be resource-intensive. Partnering with other businesses allows you to share costs and resources, making it more cost-effective to produce professional videos.

  • Cross-Promotion and Exposure: When businesses collaborate, they cross-promote each other. This leads to increased exposure within different circles, helping you tap into new markets and gain new customers.

  • Community Unity: Collaboration fosters a sense of community unity. By showcasing the collective effort of businesses working together, you contribute to a positive community atmosphere that extends beyond the event itself.

  • Creative Inspiration: Collaborating with other businesses can spark creativity. You're exposed to new ideas, perspectives, and approaches, leading to innovative content that resonates with your audience.

  • Strength in Numbers: The collective impact of multiple businesses coming together can make a significant impression. It's a way to amplify your presence and showcase the power of local enterprises.

In essence, creating video content for local events and partnering with other businesses is a win-win situation. Your business gains visibility, connection, and credibility, while the local community benefits from a dynamic, supportive business environment that enriches the event experience. It's about contributing to something bigger while reaping rewards for your brand's growth.

Lets give some examples of how other businesses might utilise this information!

Cozy Cafe

Imagine you're running a cozy cafe known for healthy treats. There's a local wellness fair coming up. Create videos dishing out nutritional tips, easy recipes, and meal plans that perfectly suit attendees looking for nourishing bites. Show how your offerings align with their health goals.

DIY Home Decor

Let's say you have a knack for home decor and there's a home and garden show in town. Capture the magic of designing and setting up your booth. Take your audience on a journey as you curate an eye-catching display that resonates with event attendees seeking inspiration for their spaces.

Restaurant Owners

Your restaurant is all about local flavors and community support. There's a food festival on the horizon. Craft videos that highlight your farm-to-table practices and your commitment to donating a portion of your earnings to a local food bank. Share how every bite makes a difference.

Trendy Bookstore

Now, picture this: You're a trendy bookstore right next to a cool coffee shop. There's a book festival around the corner. Join forces to make videos about fantastic reads and the best coffee blends to enjoy while flipping through those pages. It's all about enhancing the book-loving experience.

Learning Languages

You're part of a language school and there's a multicultural fair buzzing with energy. Engage with the crowd and have conversations with attendees. Get them talking about their experiences, languages, and cultures. Showcase the importance of learning new languages in connecting diverse communities.

Beauty Salon

Picture your beauty salon and a local fashion show. Interview clients who've had transformative makeovers. Let them share their stories of newfound confidence. Showcasing these testimonials not only spotlights your expertise but also ties into the event's theme of self-expression.

Engage your Audience Authentically

The key? Delivering real value without making it all about sales. You want your audience to feel like they're on a meaningful journey, with the event as the spotlight and your business there to guide them.

Imagine you're having a heart-to-heart chat with someone over a cup of coffee.

Here's how to go about it!

  • Get into Your Audience's Shoes: Think about the people you're trying to connect with. What's on their minds? What questions might they have? Tailor your content to address their needs and interests.

  • Focus on the Event's Essence: This is your chance to celebrate the event's spirit. Share insights, tips, or stories that revolve around the event's theme. Your business is like the supportive friend who's helping attendees make the most out of it.

  • Share Your Journey: People love stories, especially real ones. Tell the tale of how your business got involved with the event. What drew you in? What challenges did you face? Your journey adds a personal touch and builds trust.

  • Be the Helper, Not the Seller: The spotlight should be on the event, not your business. Be the helpful guide who shares valuable information. Offer advice, share experiences, or provide resources that genuinely benefit your audience.

  • Make it Relatable: Talk like you're having a friendly chat. Use everyday language that your audience can relate to. Avoid jargon or overly formal tones – just be yourself.

  • Connect with People: Highlight the human side of the event. Showcase event participants, share their stories, and create a sense of community. It's like you're introducing friends to each other.

  • Leave Room for Engagement: Encourage your audience to join the conversation. Ask questions, invite them to share their thoughts, or tell their own stories related to the event. It's about creating a space for genuine interaction.

  • Keep Branding Subtle: Sure, you want people to know it's your business, but don't go overboard with branding. A gentle logo or brief mention is enough – you're more about helping than advertising.

  • Be True to Your Values: Stay aligned with what your business stands for. Authenticity is the name of the game here. Your values shine through when you're true to yourself.

Remember, it's like you're inviting someone to explore the event alongside you. Your content should be a friendly hand guiding them, offering insights and support. By focusing on providing value and enhancing the event experience, you'll naturally build a positive image for your business while connecting authentically with your audience. So go ahead, create content that makes everyone feel like they're part of something special.

additional video content IDEAS that you can use for the next local event

  • Event Coverage and Highlights: Create recap videos of the events, capturing the excitement and key moments. Showcase attendees, performances, and any special guests. This can be an opportunity for businesses to document their participation, sponsorship, or involvement in the event.

  • Expert Interviews: Interview event organizers, speakers, or performers. Discuss their expertise and how it aligns with the mission or offerings of your business. This can position your business as a thought leader in your industry.

  • Product or Service Showcases: If your business has products or services that relate to the event theme, create videos showcasing how they can benefit attendees. Provide demonstrations, explanations, and highlight the unique selling points.

  • "Day in the Life" Videos: Create videos that follow your team members as they prepare for and participate in the event. Showcasing the people behind the business can build a personal connection with your audience.

  • Event Countdown and Teasers: Build excitement by creating countdown videos leading up to the event. Tease what attendees can expect and encourage them to visit your booth or engage with your business.

  • Contest or Giveaway Announcements: Hold a contest or giveaway related to the event. Create videos to announce the contest, explain the rules, and showcase the prizes. This can drive engagement and increase your business's visibility.


So there you have it, a comprehensive guide to leveraging local events for business growth and community integration. By embracing these steps, you'll not only help elevate your business but also contribute to the vibrancy of your local community.

If you found this article useful, be sure to like it. If you have your own insights to share, drop a comment below.

Until next time, let's build our businesses while fostering community connections. Cheers!


My name is Byron Phillips and I run Datrysiad Media.

Datrysiad Media is a video production company based in Cardiff. We help businesses with their pain problems and communicate their stories.

We are a full-service video production that can handle every aspect of the video production process. Creating high-quality video content that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations.


A Melodic Journey with the Glen Miller Orchestra: A Sombre Occasion Filled with Musical Delight


In the midst of life's bittersweet moments, there are experiences that simply standout and will remain a permanent place in my memory. Such was the case when I recently had the privilege of witnessing the legendary Glen Miller Orchestra in action. As fate would have it, the purpose of this exclusive filming session carried a touch of melancholy, but it was also an opportunity to appreciate the power of music and the enduring legacy of an extraordinary band.


A Serendipitous Encounter

Nestled within the walls of Gordon Craig Theatre, Stevenage Arts & Leisure Centre, the Glen Miller Orchestra stood in all its glory, waiting to cast its spell upon us. To my surprise, it was just my colleague and me, accompanied by the camera equipment, forming an intimate gathering to capture this musical phenomenon. Originally intended as a private show for a lady who, unfortunately, could not attend due to her deteriorating health, the Orchestra made a heartfelt decision to press on, ensuring that the beauty of their performance would reach her, even from afar.

A Rediscovery of Musical Brilliance

Admittedly, I hadn't been acquainted with the Glen Miller Orchestra before this extraordinary opportunity. Memories of their songs, if they ever graced my ears, had faded into the recesses of my mind. However, as I shared this experience with my mother, she was very excited for me but also her jealousy was palpable, as this had been on her bucket list for quite some time.  Little did I know that, as soon as the band began to play, the melodies would rush back to me like a tidal wave, triggering moments spent listening to their tunes heard in films and working as a barman at the Penlan Social Club. It's fascinating how our minds selectively store memories, yet effortlessly recall the time and place where we first encountered a particular melody.


An Orchestra that Transcends Time

The Glen Miller Orchestra, with its seamless blend of nostalgia and timeless appeal, transported me to a bygone era where big band music reigned supreme. Despite the solemn reason behind our gathering, the orchestra's enchanting performance captivated my senses, making it a challenge to remain still and composed behind the camera. The urge to tap my feet and sway to the rhythm was undeniable, but I resisted, determined not to compromise the integrity of the recording. Nevertheless, an uncontainable smile graced my face throughout the night, a testament to the sheer brilliance emanating from the stage.


A Recommendation with Enthusiasm

If you ever find yourself with the opportunity to witness the Glen Miller Orchestra live, I wholeheartedly urge you to seize it. From the moment the first note reverberates through the air, you will be transported to a world where melodies hold the power to transcend time and evoke emotions deep within. The orchestra's impeccable repertoire, which included the mellifluous voices of guest vocalists Mark Porter and Catherine Sykes, showcased a song list that intertwined classics such as "Moonlight Serenade" and "Chattanooga Choo Choo" with lesser-known gems like "String of Pearls" and "Tuxedo Junction."



As I reflect on my encounter with the Glen Miller Orchestra, I am reminded of the profound impact that music can have on our lives. While the occasion that brought us together may have been somber, the opportunity to be a part of this musical journey was undeniably magnificent. The Glen Miller Orchestra's unwavering commitment to sharing their gift of music, even in the face of adversity, is a testament to their character and their understanding of the profound comfort and joy that their melodies can bring. So, if you have the chance to immerse yourself in their unforgettable melodies and witness the magic firsthand, do not hesitate. Allow yourself to be carried away by the resplendent sounds of the Glen Miller Orchestra, and you will undoubtedly embark on a journey of musical delight that will resonate in your heart for years to come.

The orchestra is quite the list featuring

Mark Porter – guest vocalist

Catherine Sykes – guest vocalist

Consisting of the leader

Five saxophones

Four trumpets

Four trombones

Three rhythm


Song list PLAYED ON the night

  • Strike up the band

  • A nightingale sang in Berkeley SQ

  • Little brown jug

  • Silver wings in the moonlight

  • String of pearls

  • Begin the beguine

  • The nearness of you

  • Tuxedo junction

  • All of me / get happy

  • You made me love you

  • The saints

  • Chattanooga choo choo

  • Hawaiian war chant

  • St louis blues march / over there

  • American patrol

  • I’ve heard that song before

  • Moonlight serenade

  • Moonlight becomes you

  • Penn 65000

  • My funny valentine

  • Trumpet blues

  • Judy garland

  • Peanut vendor

  • Dambusters march

  • In the mood